New Sheriff: Top Cunt Fights “Gender Disinformation” to Save Democracy

Shovelface: For a future you can trust!

Here’s the latest viral tweet from our nation’s top censorship official, “Shovelface” Nina Jankowicz:

All she writes about is her own self.

I see why they didn’t launch a sexual campaign against Nina Jankowicz. I think it’s related to her shovel face. And while I could see a sexual campaign being launched against AOC or even Ilhan Omar – I cannot see such a campaign being launched against Kamala Harris.

I don’t believe this information is factual. In fact, it appears to be disinformation that any such sexual campaign was ever launched against Kamala Harris.

Yes, that is from January of 2021.

People are digging up all of this stuff from this wacky kook.

She’s been appointed the official censorship overlord of America.

She is literally from 2010 Tumblr.

Someone really needs to find a cache of her old Tumblr, because I guarantee you, it exists somewhere and it is exactly everything you think it would be.

Meanwhile, America is still trying to wrestle with the fact that America now has an official censorship organization. Let alone the fact it is run by a woman who claims that mean words on the internet against women are going to destroy the rules-based order upon which our values are built.

If mean people on the internet destroy the rules-based order by posting mean things, what happens to our values?

Well, you can picture it like this: a Fox News host having his legs blown off by the “Ukraine” people military.

This is your democracy on gender disinformation

If you allow racists to destroy the rules-based order by posting things against who we are on the internet – especially making fun of women – then our democracy and values will be in a wheelchair with an eye patch.

It’s time to start sending people to camps for their internet posts.

If we don’t, democracy is finished.

You think that song Shovelface sang to protect the rules-based order was discomforting?

When democracy ends – that’s when you’ll feel the real discomfort, CIS-shit.