Why are there homeless veterans in the first place?
Twenty homeless veterans were kicked out of hotels in Newburgh, New York where they had been given temporary shelter, in order to make way for illegal immigrants bused north from New York City, veterans’ advocates told local media on Friday, eliciting outrage from across the political spectrum.
“Over the last week, many of our homeless veterans… were informed that they had to leave their temporary housing,” Sharon Toney-Finch, CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, told Mid Hudson News on Saturday, explaining that the affected veterans were staying in “several hotels that were preparing to receive migrants from New York City.”
The veterans were due to stay for a month at the hotels while permanent housing was secured, only to be shown the door two weeks into their stay, according to Toney-Finch.
Nothing about this is surprising.
It’s par for the course.
Democrats often seem to create headlines for the sole purpose of outraging conservatives, just to show how totally useless and powerless conservatives actually are.
With every wacky thing they get away with, you can bet there’s an even wackier thing on the way.
Why doesn’t Jim Jordan house the vets?
What is going on with Veterans’ Affairs, Jim?
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop responsible for these homeless vets? Is the laptop responsible for the invasion of our country?