NYC: Racist Store Clerks Beat Good Boy for NO REASON

People keep saying racism is dead.

Then what is this?

Washington Examiner:

New York City store clerks teamed up to thwart a would-be robbery, beating the suspect to the ground with their fists in an incident that was captured by security cameras in the store.

The footage, released by NYPD Crime Stoppers, shows the suspect wearing a hoodie jump over the counter at Convenience Smoke Shop in the Bronx at around 11:20 pm Saturday, according to police .

The suspect is seen trying to grab one of the clerks behind the counter, and police say he demanded money from them.

Though the security footage is partially blurred to conceal the identities of the store clerks, a man behind the counter is seen punching the suspect in the head before at least two others join in to subdue the suspect, knocking him to the ground. The man is then seen repeatedly striking the suspect before the video ends.

Black mothers can’t rest easy knowing that their sons won’t get beaten up for trying to rob a carry out, simply for the color of their skin.

It’s time to teach these racist slant-eyed clerks that BLACK LIVES MATTER.

No one has any right to harm a black person.

Join my petition for these slant-eyes to be charged with a hate crime for this unprovoked racist attack on a black body.

If the government won’t stop these abuses… maybe it’s time for blacks to fight back?