Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2020

There are so many different ways to end up in prison for having sex with a white woman.
As we know, the woman has to keep confirming consent every second or even every millisecond, or it becomes rape. If you’ve been having sex for ten minutes, and she stops consenting for even one second, and then she starts consenting again for another ten minutes, it was still rape, and you have to go to prison. Even if she doesn’t remember that it was rape for ten years.
Sometimes a white bitch wants rough sex. Most of the time, actually. So they want you to choke them. And you have to do it, because they won’t consent to you not doing it. But of course, erotic asphyxiation can lead to death. And she can’t consent to death.
So you have to go to prison.

The man’s identity was concealed because of some stupid law in New Zealand, but he’s a Maori.
The New Zealand man found guilty of murdering British backpacker Grace Millane has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 17 years.
The man appeared in Auckland’s high court on Friday morning, and his sentencing was overseen by Justice Simon Moore.
The man had been assessed in his pre-sentencing report as being of “very high risk”, based on his “complex needs” and the severity of the offending.
“Manual strangulation is a particularly intimate form of violence … cold-blooded,” Moore said. “Your actions reveal a complete disregard for your victim.”
“You didn’t ring an ambulance, or call the police, instead you embarked on a well-planned and sustained and coordinated course of action to conceal any evidence of what had occurred in your room.”
There was no emotion shown by the man found guilty of Millane’s murder, and he listened to his sentencing impassively.
Millane, 22, from Essex, arrived in New Zealand in November 2018 as part of a round-the-world trip. She died by manual strangulation on 2 December during sex in the man’s hotel room in central Auckland. The pair had met on the dating app Tinder.
After Millane’s death, the man packed her body into a suitcase and buried her in the Waitakere ranges, a bushland area west of New Zealand’s largest city. Her remains were found eight days after she died.
Her parents, David and Gillian, appeared via videolink in the courtroom, with a framed photograph of Grace hung on the wall behind them. Grace’s brothers were also present, as was extended family, and the public gallery was packed to capacity, especially with young women.
Gillian Millane said losing Grace had made her depressed, suicidal and anxious, and she delivered her victim impact statement to the courtroom with a mixture of anger and tears. The man found guilty of her murder bowed his head as Gillian spoke, appearing to cry. It was the most emotion he had shown at any time throughout the murder trial.
David Millane did not deliver a statement, but his wife said the impact on him had been “profound” and she had been unable to support him fully, as she too, had been sick and incapacitated with grief, including being unable to get out of bed, leave the house, or even listen to the radio.
“The tears I shed are never-ending, at the thought of never having the chance to be being able to kiss my darling Grace goodbye,” said Gillian.
“Grace was never just a daughter, she was my friend, my very best friend.”
Hey you stupid old bitch – maybe that’s why she was traveling the world telling random brown guys she met on the internet to choke her during sex?
Maybe you should have been an authority figure instead of a good times gal?
Maybe you deserve this?
“I torment myself over what you did to my Grace, the terror and pain she must have experienced at your hands. As a mother I would have done anything to change places with her.
“I should have been there, but she died terrified and alone in a room with you.”
Terrified of drowning in her own vaginal fluids because she was getting so hot from that consensual erotic asphyxiation with the brown-skinned jungle man.
The prosecution even admitted that she consented – but said she couldn’t consent to death!
The prosecution argued that he had used “reckless violence” while strangling Millane during sex, and disregarded the risk to her life when choking her so hard and for so long that she died. A forensic pathologist said it would have taken five to 10 minutes for Millane to have died, and she would first have fallen unconscious due to the pressure on her neck.
“You can’t consent to your own murder,” said crown prosecutor Brian Dickey during the three-week-trial in Auckland’s high court.
But once again: if he hadn’t done as she wished and strangled her, she wouldn’t have consented to him not doing that, which would have made it rape, and he would have had to go to prison anyway, probably for the same amount of time.
There is literally no way to win.
Of course, the women’s coaltion against rough sex is making their voices heard in response to this guilty verdict.
Men accused of murder should not be allowed to use rough sex as a legal defence, women’s rights advocates said on Friday, after the killer of a British backpacker was jailed for life in a case that drew fresh scrutiny on the issue.
Grace Millane, 22, was visiting New Zealand when she was murdered. Her attacker pleaded not guilty to murder, saying she died accidentally during consensual sex, but a jury rejected his defence and convicted him in November.
Women’s rights campaigners called for a ban on the “rough sex” defence, saying the normalisation of violent sex in popular culture meant men facing criminal charges for harming women were increasingly claiming that the violence was consensual.
Research by the British campaign group We Can’t Consent to This found men avoided charges of murder in more than one in three of 60 killings of women and girls where the defence was used.
“These women are killed in extraordinary and sustained violence – Grace was strangled for between five and 10 minutes,” said the group’s founder Fiona Mackenzie.
“The normalisation of violence is leading to men using this defence and unfortunately it is often successful because people tend to believe that women consent to violence that seriously injures them.”
Rough sex defences – in which it is claimed the victim died accidentally during consensual sex – are overwhelmingly used in cases in which the alleged attacker is a man and the victim a woman, found a research paper by We Can’t Consent to This.
The anti-rough sex lobby pointing out that women are more likely than men to die during violent sex might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
Maybe if women didn’t want rough sex to be a part of our culture, they shouldn’t have made Fifty Shades of Gray among the most popular books of all time?
Maybe they should tell other women to stop demanding to be choked, instead of blaming the men who follow their demands in order to keep in line with consent?
They keep saying “it takes five minutes” – do these women expect us to believe they’ve never had sex before? The idea of someone counting the minutes of an erotic choking is a bit outrageous.
All of this is just sooooooooo stupidly unnecessary. We had a functional society, where women had sex with their husbands.
What was the point of abolishing that order? What has been gained?
Women had fun traveling the world and having sex with brown people. Okay.
But now they’re all saying that every time they have sex it’s rape. Maybe human beings were not designed to just have a bunch of sex partners? Maybe sex is like drugs – it feels good, but there are consequences to it?
Maybe every person in all of history before the 1960s wasn’t just an evil patriarch intent on harming women for no reason?
Women are NOT going to give up sexual freedom, because they want to use it to control men and women don’t care about consequences or believe it is possible for their own actions to result in negative consequences. However, men do have a choice, and they can choose to stop engaging with these filthy whores.
I vote for disengaging.