New Zealand’s Prime Horse Announces Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve

People keep saying the virus hoax is over.

If it’s over, then why isn’t it over?

Previously, all Western countries have acted in unison, or near unison.

Now you have this split, where several countries are opening up and several others are tightening the noose.

The Guardian:

New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern has said Covid-19 restrictions, including mandates and vaccine passes, will begin to lift once the country gets “well beyond” the Omicron outbreak’s peak.

At a post-cabinet press conference on Monday, Ardern said case numbers were likely to peak in mid-to-late March, or three to six weeks away. Case numbers were expected to double every three to four days.

“It’s likely then, that very soon, we will all know people who have Covid or we will potentially get it ourselves,” she said.

After the Omicron wave peaks, there will probably be a rapid decline, followed by cases stabilising at a lower level, Arden said. It is then that government can consider easing public health measures, beginning with loosening restrictions on gathering sizes, and later, moving on from using vaccine passes and mandates where vulnerable people are less likely to be affected.

If we hadn’t had vaccine passes, as we managed Delta, we would have had to instead use more general restrictions across the whole population. They have always been the least bad option. But while they have been necessary, as I’ve always said, they have also been temporary.”

“They will remain important in some areas though, for some time,” she said.

Arden said it is difficult to set an exact date for easing mandates, but indicated the government needs to be confident New Zealand is “well beyond the peak” and that the pressure on the health system is manageable.

They’re not temporary.

I read the World Economic Forum website.

I’m well aware that Jacinda Ardern is a part of the WEF “young global leaders initiative.”

She is considered one of the fastest horses in the stable.