Nick Griffin Criticizes UKIP, Says BNP the Only True Anti-Immigrant Party

Daily Stormer
May 10, 2014

Nick Griffin, Commander of the BNP.
Nick Griffin, Commander of the BNP.

In an interview with the BBC, Nick Griffin had some harsh words for UKIP, saying that they are not truly anti-immigrant and that Farage’s plan would in fact still allow the non-White hordes and poor Eastern Europeans to invade the British Isles.


Mr Griffin insisted only his party’s policies were robust enough, saying: “We are saying if people go for a referendum [on Europe], it will be rigged like it was in 1975. So we are saying Britain should withdraw straight away – no arguments, no referendum, just get Britain out.”

He added: “We are the only party that, when we say, ‘Stop immigration,’ we actually mean it. UKIP is saying 50,000 net. That would actually mean 300,000 Africans and Asians coming in every year under their plans.

“Our position is very simple. We don’t care if they are white, black, brown or green. Britain’s full. We should shut the doors.”

Mr Griffin, an MEP for North West England, said EU governments had become more in favour of starting wars and that his intervention had been vital in preventing a Western conflict with Syria last year.

He added: “Now they are trying to organise a war against Russia over Ukraine and it’s absolutely vital to send people to Europe who argue to keep us out of further wars and keep the peace.”

He added: “A lot of people are going to be fooled into voting for UKIP – but we really don’t need that many voters to get me back in the North West, and a lot of people want to have an MEP where they actually know who he is. The others are all faceless. I’m a character.”

He is most certainly a character. Though I’m pretty sure Nigel is as well.

Looks to me like a definite character.
Looks to me like a definite character. (He also appears to be in a lot better health than Griffin, something which, right or wrong, tends to matter to voters.)

It is a shame that these people cannot get along with one another. Ultimately, yes, we must agree with Griffin that his plan is qualitatively better than Farage’s, but Farage is opening things up to a much larger audience, preaching a message which amounts to BNP-light in many ways.

I do hope that enough people vote for Griffin to get him back in the EU Parliament, but I am also happy to have Nigel there as well.