Nigga Who Fatally Broke His Neck Trying to Jump the Turnstile at the Subway was a Good Father

It’s only the first week of 2022, but it’s going to be hard for there to be a funnier view this year than this nigga trying to jump the turnstile so he didn’t have to pay the subway fair and falling and breaking his neck.

This is seriously one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life.

But we need to remember that the only reason he didn’t have the money to pay the train fare in the first place is because of white racism.

If it wasn’t for white racism, this colored person would be an astronaut, tripping and breaking his neck on Mars.

It’s your fault. Remember that, when you watch that video over and over again like I did.

As is usually the case with black people who die committing crimes, he is remembered as a great father.

White people have to stop causing black people to act like this.

The first step in ending the kind of racism that causes black people to break their necks trying to jump turnstiles is to get vaccinated. If you’re already vaccinated, then get your booster.

Our democracy is under attack.