No More Mars Mission for You, Goy

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2019

I really thought that we were going to Mars.

It kept me going.

When things got bad, I just reminded myself that nunna it would matter once we were all set up on Mars and then those moons near Saturn.



Mars One, the company that promised to colonize Mars with human volunteers and make a reality TV show about it, has gone bankrupt, crushing the dreams of its willing participants and drawing ‘I told you so’s’ from its critics.

The company hoped to send people on a one-way trip to Mars where they would settle for the rest of their lives as we on Earth watched it all unfold from the comfort of our couches.

News of the company’s demise was only revealed thanks to a Reddit user who found a court notice from Basel, Switzerland which said it was declared bankrupt on January 15, 2019.

The group said it had 200,000 willing participants, but this was disputed by former NASA researcher Joseph Roche, who had volunteered for the project and said the real number was 2,761. He also said the selection process had a points system which could be increased by buying merchandise or donating money to the company. 

It was a scam.

Tfw this will never be you.

This thing will only really take off if a government agency does it.

I don’t believe that any private company will go ahead and do this. Why would they? There are no Benjamins in it. The only reason that you would want to go to Mars is just because. Intergalactic Space Reich. Destiny among the stars. White Celestial Lebensraum.

The money comes later. 

The businesses will come once the colony is up and running. Then they’ll start charging people for oxygen like in that movie.

Until a government decides to do it – assuming that it even can be done – it won’t be done.

Trump said in the SOTU that he’s going to do space missions again.

Buzz made some weird faces when he said that. He does it every time that the topic of space comes up.

Trump also said that he’s going to build a Wall. He also claimed that he’s already started building the Wall.

And uh… well…

Let’s just say that I’m not going to get my hopes up about space exploration again.

Trump might just come out and say on Twitter that he’s in the process of building a Mars colony RIGHT NOW.

“We’ve got a guy up there right now, he already banged Dejah Thoris, she was beautiful. Biggest, roundest tits you’ve ever seen. People say she had melons, but I mean she had real melons. Not like those droopy things the Democrats try to pass off as tits. I talked to him today on the space phone and he was fighting a 4-armed white gorilla. It was huge. Huge. We’ve got the best Mars colonists, folks. The best.”

And then Boomers will get mad at you and call you a libtard on social media if you ask for proof.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.