Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2020
Even if you believe in this idiotic global warming hoax, Greta Thunberg should be immediately viewed as a repulsive freak. This should be the visceral reaction to just seeing this stupid no-titty retard whine.
I will tell you this: if she were up on stage promoting a Fourth Reich and masturbating Jews to death, I would be like “I agree with what she’s saying, but I don’t want anything to do with that disgusting mutant.”
And yet, 100% of the global warmers have gotten on board her circus train, and somehow think it makes sense that their leader is a bug-eyed abomination.
Swedish climate worrier Greta Thunberg expressed disappointment Tuesday the world is neither listening or reacting to her repeated warnings of impending climate catastrophe, saying “basically nothing” has changed since she dropped out of school and began full-time climate protesting.
“Pretty much nothing has been done,” Thunberg said at a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel convened in Davos, Switzerland. “Global emissions of CO2 has not been reduced and that is what we are trying to achieve.”
The 17-year-old made her comments after she was asked what had changed since she launched her student climate strike movement in August 2018, France24 reports.
“In one aspect, lots have happened that no one could have predicted,” Thunberg said. “This has sparked general awareness and a movement. All these many, many young people from many different places pushing together to form this alliance of movements.
This week I’m attending the World Economic Forum in Davos with many other young inspiring activists!
Today I will make 2 speeches. One at 08:30 and the main one at 13:00.#WEF2020 #Davos— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 21, 2020
“People are more generally aware now. The climate and environment is a hot topic now largely thanks to young people.”
Thunberg lamented the awareness driven by young people like herself had not translated into action and “basically nothing” had been done about reducing emissions and tackling the warming planet.
Thunberg said people must “start listening to the science” and “start treating this crisis as the crisis it is.”
Listen: global warming is a hoax.
It simply is not real. It is a part of a social engineering program to psychologically manipulate Western people into accepting globalism and austerity.
This little retard is saying that the whole world is ending and we have to act within hours if we’re going to save ourselves from burning up. And yet, when she was finally confronted about China and India – numbers 1 and 3 on the list of highest CO2 emitters, respectively – she said that these countries “need to be given a chance to catch up.”
Firstly and most obviously, this completely disproves the entire hoax, because if we were really facing an apocalypse, we wouldn’t be talking about “oh well, it’s okay, we can let the number one emitter of this toxic gas that’s going to kill us all keep doing it for a while.”
China emits fully 150% of what the US emits.

And guess what? They appear to have already caught up.
Chinese cities all look like something out of Blade Runner, while the US is being driven to third world status by massive nonwhite immigration.
Three of the wealthiest top ten cities in the world are in China.
The fact that Greta takes this position of China denialism gives the lie to her entire racket.
She isn’t talking about “science.”
This is “science” in the same way that her vegan diet is “science.” She wants to do to the Western World what she has done to her own body. She is an emaciated welp who looks like she just got pulled out of Auschwitz.
She is 17 years old, is the size of a mongoose, and she does not even have a hint of breasts.
Due to malnutrition, it appears that she has missed puberty. She will never grow breasts and will never get any taller. She will remain in the body of a 10-year-old for the rest of her life.
She wears excessive makeup to cover up signs of rapid premature aging.
There is an “uncanny valley” effect to her face where she doesn’t really even look human.
And yet, just as she is demanding countries start paying taxes to a global government, she is demanding that individuals become bug-eating vegans like her.
Greta Thunberg and her father urge diet change
"We are risking future generations' futures by continuing like this. We need to change ourselves now because tomorrow might be too late."Youth climate activist Greta Thunberg and her father Svante talk about why they gave up meat and dairy, and why the world needs to fight climate change with diet change while we still can! ? ? MillionDollarVegan.comVideo credit @DemocracyNow
Gepostet von Million Dollar Vegan am Freitag, 22. März 2019
We know what her diet advice will do to your body, because we can see her body.
What will her economic advice do to your country?
Donald Trump’s Davos speech about the whiny, evil mutant – while she was in the audience – was pretty spot on.
In his keynote speech, Mr Trump said that it was a time for optimism, not pessimism, in a speech that touted his administration’s economic achievements and America’s energy boom.
Speaking of climate activists, he said: “These alarmists always demand the same thing – absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives.”
They were, he said, “the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune tellers”.
They are demanding control over our lives.
This bitch is trying to tell us what we’re allowed to eat.
And they are fortune tellers.
Al Gore said in his 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” that cities would be under water within a decade. That didn’t happen. But if we would have implemented the global government policies he was demanding, then the government and media would have announced that these policies prevented it from happening.
Just so, Greta is saying that white people have to cripple their economies and start paying a New World Order global tax in the next decade, or the world will burn up. If we implement her policies, she will say “if you wouldn’t have done that, you’d all have burned up by now.”
If we don’t implement her policies, we obviously won’t burn up, because this is all a hoax. So they will just keep saying that things that have always happened, such as forest fires and hurricanes, are caused by global warming, then send someone else out and say “if you don’t do what I say within a decade…”
Heads they win, tails we lose.