People are cowards and faggots generally in this stupid, failed country. But the military caters to cowards and faggots.
Still, no one really wants to go die in a war with Russia and China, I guess.
Well, wait. You could have convinced conservative white Southerners to do that. But then you turned the military into a gay disco. Your gays don’t want to die, because gays either know they’re going to hell or don’t believe in hell, and the only purpose of their existence is to orgasm. Sure, they can have orgasms at gay sex parties on the front line of the war against Russia, but they can just as easily do that in San Francisco.
They’re going to need a draft.
The US Army has so far recruited just around half of the 60,000 new soldiers it hoped to enlist by October 1, officials said on Tuesday, saying that if the downward trend is not reversed, it could have a significant impact on combat readiness in the coming years.
“We’ve got unprecedented challenges with both a post-Covid-19 environment and labor market, but also competition with private companies that have changed their incentives over time,” the vice chief of staff for the Army, General Joseph Martin, told a House Armed Services subcommittee, according to AP.
Yeah, this nonsensical labor market where no one even understands the incentives (like, I’ve looked, no one even claims to understand it other than literal morons at the National Review or the New Republic or something), but I think the bigger issue is that people don’t want to die in a real war.
It’s all fun and games to drop bombs on helpless Islamic children on their way to school, but fighting Russia and China is a horse of a different color.
There is also no revenge element. After 911 (and even after Pearl Harbor, apparently), men were like “I wanna go get these bastards!”
But what did Russia and China do?
The US military has had a difficult time attracting new soldiers, posting its lowest recruitment numbers in decades this year. Last month, the Pentagon admitted it was 23% behind recruiting goals. The problem has been widely blamed on bad advertising – specifically the recent trend toward ‘woke’ advertising, which has been widely mocked on social media – and a sloppy, antiquated recruitment system that places too much responsibility in the hands of outside contractors.
Facing the most severe recruiting problems across all military branches, the US Army is currently offering bonuses of up to $50,000 – which could turn out to be much less in practice – for a six-year enlistment, but is still struggling to find enough volunteers. Martin projected that the Army could fall from the expected 476,000 troops to 466,400 by the end of this fiscal year, and to as few as 445,000 by the end of 2023.
So, the US has a smaller military than the Ukraine, lol.
(Actually, I don’t believe the Ukraine has a million-man army, but that’s what the media claims.)
Like, seriously, for real – if we’re really doing this WWIII thing, we’re going to have to have a draft, and they are going to make you go die for anal sex in the “Ukraine” and “Taiwan” – fake countries, real anuses.
I don’t think there is going to be a massive WWIII. I guess I think there’s maybe a 30% chance. That’s not a big chance. More than likely, we’re going into a slow, painful decline that will last decades, and probably lead to some strongman leader seizing control (good).
By my estimation, the people running America just don’t have the balls to pull the trigger on World War III. However, there is a good chance that they are just so stupid that they don’t even understand the implications.
Either way, however, it is possible that they will put together a draft system, just to start building up forces under the theory that they might start a world war at some point.
But yes: the East is agreeing that they can’t (or at least would prefer not to) deal with the shock of a rapid collapse of the dollar, and therefore they just want to slowly phase it out.
That’s when the real rape begins.
I’m the one with the serious hair loss, solid, strong brow, and love for bling, so I’m gonna have to be Destro.
But what if Nick Fuentes has an accident and then Sam Hyde has to become Cobra Commander?
But then Nick Fuentes comes back… as Serpentor?
Anyway, we can figure out the details once the rape truly begins.