Obama’s Freedom Rebels Implement Systematic Torture in Free and Democratic Libya

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2013

The feet of a man tortured for months by Obama's freedom fighters on suspicion that he was a Gaddafi supporter.
The feet of a man tortured for months by Obama’s freedom fighters on suspicion that he was a Gaddafi supporter.
You might remember that back in 2011, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and tireless seeker of endless democratic justice and freedom, Barack Hussein Obama, bombed the hell out of Libya, citing the need to support some random groups of al-Queda-linked Muslim extremists who intended to overthrow the government and depose the beloved leader of that country, Muammar Gaddafi.

After Obama started bombing them, he told us that perhaps people were going to die if we didn’t bomb them, and that this “stained the world’s conscience” and a failure to bomb them would have “been a betrayal of who we are.”

Well, it worked out just swell. The religious extremists who Obama supported out of moral courage have taken over the country, reinstated foreign ownership of oil fields, and are running the nation using systemic torture of those they round up based on vague suspicions.

The AP reports:

U.N. investigators, who had periodic access to various detention centers, said there is evidence that 27 people have been tortured to death in the prisons, 11 of them this year, according to a report by the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and the U.N. Support Mission in Libya.

The office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and the U.N. Support Mission in Libya said in a report released Tuesday that the problem is rampant in jails run by militias that triumphed in the eight-month civil war in 2011.

In some cases, members of the armed brigades freely admitted, and even tried to justify, the physical abuse of detainees,” the report said.

Last month, Libya adopted a new law that requires conflict-related detainees to be screened and processed within 90 days.


Some 8,000 detainees jailed since the eight-month civil war in 2011 are held without due process, the report said. They are usually held without access to lawyers and have only occasional access to families, the investigators found.

Torture “is most frequent immediately upon arrest and during the first days of interrogation as a means to extract confessions or other information,” the report said.

Great job, Obama! Freedom, justice and democracy have triumphed yet again! They should give you a second peace prize, ye holy black beacon of international morality!