Obese Black Woman Changes American Anthem to Attack America

I spent two hours checking if this is a tranny, and apparently it’s not

Frankly, the whining of the blacks is much more intolerable than their endless stream of violent acts.


Grammy award-winning singer and songwriter Jill Scott was slammed on social media for changing the lyrics to the National Anthem during a recent performance at Essence Fest.

“Oh, say can you see, by the blood in the streets, that this place doesn’t smile on you, colored child. who’s blood built this land, with sweat and their hands. But you’ll die in this place, and your memory erased,” Scott sang into the microphone.

“Oh, say can you see, does this truth hold any weight? This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slaves,” the singer concluded.

Social media users quickly took to Twitter to lambast Scott for desecrating the National Anthem, many of them pointing out that she has acquired an estimated net worth of $12 million in the country she apparently loathes.

“A WOKE rendition of the National Anthem where she changed the lyrics to speak about how oppressed Black people are,” former Republican Congressional candidate Lavern Spicer wrote.

“She says ‘This is not the land of the free, but the home of the slave…’ For reference, Jill Scott’s net worth is estimated to be $12 MILLION and is likely much higher. In what way is she oppressed?” Spicer added.

Isn’t Lavern Spicer black?

Yes, she is.

Of course Breitbart quotes her in response to the black who hates America.

They can’t just say “if she doesn’t like it here, this fat nigger should go back to Africa” or something like that.

They would never said that.

Why don’t blacks just move here to escape oppression?