Obongo Claims Africa is Doing Great, Yet Doesn’t Suggest Blacks Go Back

Daily Stormer
August 5, 2016


Africa is a land of great opportunities.

Africa is a continent free of White racism, now that those evil Rhodesians and Boers have been subjugated. And, apparently, it’s a place of unprecedented prosperity and opportunities.


Sounds like a great place for those poor, oppressed Blacks in western countries to go to!

Voice Of America:

“Today’s Africa is a place of unprecedented prosperity and opportunities,” Obama told the excited crowd, noting that he’d visited sub-Saharan Africa four times, more than any other U.S. president.

During his time as president, Obama said, “I’ve worked to transform America’s relationship with Africa by working to boost exports with Africa, promote good governance and human rights, advance security and help feed families.

Good job. But let me ask you this: Why didn’t you promote good governance, human rights, security and prosperity in America instead of Africa?


This bastard is supposed to be the leader of America, not Africa.

Because all those things became worse here under your leadership.

“We’ve done this not just because we love the people of Africa. … It’s because the world won’t be able to deal with climate change or terrorism or expanding women’s rights — all the issues we face globally — without a rising and dynamic and self-reliant Africa. And that, more importantly than anything else, is dependent on a rising generation of new leaders.”

In fact, pretty much nothing in Africa gets done without the White man taking the initiative. Even just sending them money is useless, since corrupt officials will just immediately pocket the money.

Africa is just an endless sinkhole in which our resources disappear forever.

The Chinese have understood this. As such, they’re directly colonizing the continent, making absolutely no effort to uplift the native people, instead just buying up land and sending their people to exploit their resources.