Old Memes: Beto Says Orange Man is Literally Hitler

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2019

Wow, Beto.

Really bringing the hot takes, eh?


Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke on Thursday night defended remarks he made in Iowa comparing President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration to words and images employed by Nazi Germany.

“I compared the rhetoric that the President has employed to rhetoric that you might’ve heard during the Third Reich,” O’Rourke told a reporter, following a meet and greet at Morningside College in Sioux City. “Calling human beings an ‘infestation’ is something that we might have expected to hear in Nazi Germany.”

He later added, “If we don’t call out racism, certainly at the highest levels of power, in this position of trust that the President enjoys, then we’re going to continue to get its consequences.”

Trump has previously referred to the influx of undocumented immigrants at the southern border as an “infestation.” The Nazis regularly invoked the imagery of insects and vermin to denigrate Jews and other enemies. CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.

Yes, get another comment on “are you actually Hitler tho?”

The media is so terrible at doing memes. You’d think they were being advised by Paul Joseph Watson with these sorts of sub-zero takes.

“Orange Hitler” is a 2015 meme that only resonated with catladies and drug addicted street freaks when they launched it. And coming out with it now, it’s like “wait… this feels like something I already heard before…”

The next step is to have Eddie Vedder play a concert at a Beto event.

Everything about Beto is cliched, unoriginal and synthetic.

Which you would think would make him the perfect candidate for current year America.

The millennial obsession with trying to manufacture “authenticity” has lead to the most cartoonish simulacra.

Everything is a fake knock-off of a fake knock-off:

  • Paid volunteer tourism to fake digging wells in Africa
  • Moving to Brooklyn
  • Buying clothes from a thrift store
  • Growing a beard
  • Getting Thai Buddhist tattoos
  • Listening to music on vinyl
  • Trannies
  • Communism
  • Juicing vegetables
  • Comparing people to Hitler

It’s a snake swallowing itself situation.

So a leader who literally only speaks in slogans and empty platitudes seems perfect.

Obama was really peak “leader as polished consumer product meticulously designed to appear authentic.”

The backlash to that was the actually authentic chaos experience of a random crazy old man being forced through by the unwashed masses.

And I can see how the response to that by the reality manufacturing industrial complex is predicted to be a tape-recorder type figure like Beto.

But this is almost like… Beto is just too shitty and fake, even for this post-utopian manufactured consumer experience America.

Maybe it isn’t that he’s too fake. Maybe it’s that he’s not fake enough. And that the fakeness is shinning through, touching people, making them uncomfortable to the point where they are ready to look in the mirror and ask if all of this is fake.

In fact, if I were a consultant for the authenticity manufacturing industrial complex, I would be saying: “You gotta pull the plug on this guy. If people look in the mirror, this whole jig is up. You’re gonna be dealing with a reality vortex.”