Oliver Stone has always been half-Jewish and a little weird, but he’s always been interesting.
He’s always been subliminally pro-Putin.
He’s trying to be sly here, by “adding understanding” – but he’s still going to get canceled and possibly prosecuted at this point.
Oliver Stone, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker, and vocal critic of US foreign policy, called on his Instagram followers to read several articles to better understand of how Russia came to unleash its military against Ukraine. The Sunday post is meant to counter “all the hysteria of Western media” and its propensity for “omitting key facts when inconvenient,” the director said.
The materials that Stone suggested for reading offer some “helpful and honest analyses” on the Ukraine crisis, he wrote.
The reading list includes articles written by Tony Kevin, who served as Australia’s ambassador in Moscow during the Cold War, Jonathan Steele, an acclaimed British journalist and author, Joe Lauria, the editor-in-chief of news website Consortium News, and Caitlin Johnstone, an Australian anti-war activist who published her analysis in the same outlet.
The takes by Kevin and Steele are now somewhat outdated, considering that, contrary to their expectations, Russia did launch an attack on Ukraine after they were published on February 23.
Lauria’s piece focuses on the February 24 speech that Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered as he announced Russian military action against Ukraine. Johnstone raised criticisms of Western hubris, which she asserted ultimately led to the bloody armed conflict in Ukraine.
Stone’s interviews with Putin are worth watching, though like his articles, somewhat outdated.
His movies are mostly good too.
I recently wanted to rewatch U-Turn after mentioning it in an article, though that would for sure be one of his worst movies.
Scarface will always be my favorite (although he only wrote and didn’t direct that one).
It’s a classic for all of you Zoomers who don’t know shit about anything.
Platoon was of course the most celebrated.
Stone was in Vietnam and made a lot of films about it.
Putin has become a kind of Scarface character.
Let’s hope for the sake of Christendom and Western civilization he gets a better ending than Tony Montana.