Oz: Anti-Israel Activist Brendon O’Connell has Been Arrested Again

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2014

Brendon O’Connell is an Australian who has been unfairly persecuted for his criticism of Jews and Israel.

Brendon O’Connell, an Australian man who was literally put in jail for offending a Jew, has apparently been arrested again according to a posting on his blog site.  Shaun Surplus, an Australian radio host whose shows are published on my website, has already written a short synopsis of the situation.

According to Brendon, he was arrested by State Security in a warrantless raid and charged with “threatening to kill” and publishing a private phone conversation.  He has since been released.

Te following is straight from his blog:

I was arrested on the 30th of October, 2014. A Thursday, at approximately 16:30 hrs.

Now, this is going to get extremely interesting.

6 detectives from State Security came through the door – no warrant.

I am charged with “threat to kill” and publishing a private telephone conversation. That charge is from when I rang Julie Bishops office and spoke with “Tess” the secretary.


It all stems from this blog posting made 20 days ago –


My laptop, phones, hard drives, video camera etc… all gone. I have just got this borrowed laptop going.

Between this and the recent Garron Helm situation in the UK, it seems as if the Jews are redoubling their efforts to curb free speech.  More and more people are just calling out the Jew for what they are and this is causing them to panic.  These Jew tactics are irrational and are only going to backfire in the long run.