Come Christmas Australia will wake up to the brutal body odour of 12,000 sweaty Syrian bodies
Jug-eared traitor Tony Abbott — who is not Australian by birth, but still managed to become Prime Minister — has signed off on 12,000 donkey-greasing illegals from the non-war torn parts of Syria to come on down under and take over the country.
The Daily Telegraphreports how this slimy Jew-loving toad finally caved to his masters in Israel.
He told a press conference, “This is a very significant increase in Australia’s humanitarian intake and it’s a generous response to the current emergency. This may be one of the largest commitments made to date anywhere in the world. We will move very quickly.”
Having felt big feels after looking at the picture of that stupid drowned Kurdi boy, he decided that Syrians who break through police barriers and chant “Allah Akar” as they plot the best countries to rape and pillage deserve more than the Australians he supposedly works for.
To that end, he’s welcoming them with big hugs, and he’ll probably order Aussies to kneel on the tarmac and wash their feet after they swagger off the plane.
In addition to the extra refugee intake, the Prime Minister said Australia would provide financial support to a further 240,000 Syrians displaced by conflict, at a cost of $44m, taking Australia’s total contribution to the crisis to $230 million.
As revealed in The Daily Telegraph today, the national security committee of cabinet last night held lengthy talks to orchestrate a Syrian action plan.
Liberal senator Cory Bernardi told the ABC the party room had been briefed on the decision to increase the humanitarian refugee intake by 12,000 “starting immediately”.
And this is the wise way to spend Australians’ money, because currently they don’t have any, so it makes sense at a time of high unemployment, under-employment, and lack of housing affordability (thanks to Chinese buyers pricing Aussies out of the housing and rental markets) to take what The Sydney Morning Herald is quoting as “700 million dollars” over four years and give all those shekels to tens of thousands of ungrateful scheming Arab peasants.
Syrian refugees are due to arrive in Australia by Christmas under the Abbott government’s emergency humanitarian intake, after passing stringent health and security tests and promising to support Australian values.
Senior government officials said the 12,000-strong refugee intake is expected to cost $700 million over four years.
The focus of the intake will be on people in camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, although it will extend to people living on the streets and in the community in countries such as Lebanon.
Thanks to Tony Abbott, this sort of ugly scene will not be repeated in the future
Indeed, Abbott is upholding a Liberal party tradition of flooding the country with unwanted third world muck, such as they did with the Vietnamese and Lebanese, and those worked out wonderfully. The Lebanese criminals have prospered no end in Australia, and they’ve made great gains in politics.
What’s more, as reports, Australians are dancing in the streets in anticipation of the Syrians’ arrival! It’s all a lie, but that’s what the media does best. If Australians choose not to celebrate this awesome milestone in their own destruction, then the media will just have to speak for them in a made-up voice.
AROUND the country, Australians are opening their hearts and, in some cases, their homes to Syrian refugees.
THE announcement from Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Tuesday that Australia will take an additional 12,000 refugees amid the Middle East humanitarian crisis tapped into a positive spirit around the nation.
A listener to Melbourne radio station 3AW, Mark Stanley, offered a spare room in his house at Macclesfield in the Dandenongs to house refugees.”It’s just basic human kindness. As Australians, in our DNA we have this inherent want to kick in and get things done,” he said.The call triggered a number of similar offers.
The most beaut part is, for a people who show no willingness to use lavatories, each of them will probably be given a five-storey tax-payer funded house with seven bathrooms! And they won’t have to work a day in their life because that’s what Australian welfare is there for.
A sick Aryan fantasy — to prevent White Genocide
Not too long back, the age of retirement in Australia was raised to make sure the Goyim work hard until the day they drop, to serve these third worlders, who are better than us because they’re brown and have seen war and stuff. This is why it’s extra double-plus good that there’ll be no money left for Australian children, who don’t matter!
Yet, it seems that 12,000 is WAY TOO FEW SYRIANS, and really, if Australia is serious about White Genocide, it needs to make that 12,000 every week. That way we’ll solve the Syrian conflict too, because there won’t be anyone LEFT in Syria except ISIS, and they’ll soon get lonely.