Oz: Transgender Freak Goes on Axe Rampage

Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2017

It will no doubt argue in court that it was just suffering a heavy case of PMS

A “transgender” sex mutant went on a rampage in a Sydney suburb on Saturday night attacking two people with an axe.

The 24-year-old creature, which under new laws will be allowed to urinate beside young girls, was arrested after attacking a man and woman with a fire axe at a 7-Eleven service station.

The woman victim only survived because her culturally-appropriated Rasta hairdo cushioned the blow. Meanwhile, the man is still in a serious condition in hospital. Another intended victim luckily escaped with the axe only nicking his clothing.

Daily Mail:

A woman who is accused of attacking two people with an axe at a petrol station has requested the court to supply her with prescription medication commonly used by people transitioning from male to female.

Evie Amati, 24, allegedly injured two people after hitting them with an axe as they shopped at a 7-Eleven on Stanmore Road in Enmore in Sydney’s inner west about 2.25am on Saturday.

The union organiser did not apply for bail when she appeared via video link at Parramatta Bail Court on Sunday, but she did request daily medication for depression and drugs used for gender transitioning, 7 News reported.

She asked the court to supply her with Progynova and Spiractin, which boost oestrogen production and reduce testosterone, respectively, and Zoloft – an antidepressant, according to The Daily Telegraph.

Yes, the hormone horrorshow wants its medication. But, while (((society))) places these pervert psychos on a pedestal the reality is that although mentally ill to begin with, their tranny meds make them monsters. Wait a minute? Did they just say it is a UNION ORGANIZER? Yep, they did, it is reported to be an organizer with the Sydney Community and Public Sector Union which is about as SJW as it gets. Moreover, this thing is, or was, the drummer in an anarchist punk band Everything I Own is Broken, which doesn’t appear to mean much. However, it is well known on the Sydney anarchist/punk scene.

Australian schools teach children that degenerates like this are more normal than their heterosexual parents

Amusingly enough, the suburb in which the attack occurred is the most liberal in the country and the streets are plastered in Antifa flyers asserting ‘transgender’ rights.

The 24-year-old was denied bail and will remain in jail until another court hearing on Thursday.

She has been charged with wound person with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and cause grievous bodily harm to person with intent.

Ms Amati was captured on CCTV footage as she allegedly unleashed the unprovoked attack on Sharon Hacker and Benjamin Rimmer as they shopped inside the store.

It is kind of irksome that the Daily Mail actually refers to it as “she” and not an “it.” More vexing is that the liberal Sydney Morning Herald refused to even mention any of this information about the creature’s unnatural clinical gender disorder preferring instead to perpetuate the fantasy it is, in fact, a woman.

This thing drummed for this anarchist punk band called Everything I Own Is Broken – and a more apt name couldn’t have been thought up

The publicity from all this will probably revive the floundering career of this shit band

And questions naturally arise such as, when it gets to jail, will it be sent to a men’s prison or a women’s prison? If it goes to a men’s prison, will it be raped in the shower, or be forced to go bitch for a black lifer? Will the court break down in sympathy, blame its meds, and let it go free?

Ms Hacker, 43, recounted the moment her thick dreadlocks saved her life as a ‘tall, young and beautiful blonde’ allegedly attacked her as she was buying milk.

She said she was told by paramedics she only survived the attack thanks to her thick dreadlocks.

‘(They said) if you didn’t have that actual hair, you wouldn’t be having that head right now,’ she told Seven News.

She described the unprovoked attack as ‘terrifying’.

‘She just came in with full force and struck the man in the face and turned immediately around to me and again with both hands came through and struck me with the axe in the back of the head,’ she said.

‘It is terrifying because you just don’t realise these things can happen at any time.’

While Ms Hacker’s unclean Negro hairdo saved her life, it is also a signifier of her empathy with creatures like Evie Amati (and that’s not even the name it was born with: it has a male name).

Yep, this stereotype SJW probably attended rallies signalling her virtues in defence of this travesty of chemical science and the homosexual agenda. Now she’s wearing a neck brace and her skull is fractured. Moreover, she probably attended one of its gigs and was in total solidarity with the whole anarchist community.

This is yet another sign that the age of Kek has arrived and the demise of all our enemies shall be rich with irony.

Silence of the Lambs was a coded warning about the transsexual apocalypse