It’s just standard white female behavior.
Not punishing it is standard white male behavior.
Two girls who wrongly accused a man of being a rapist and beat, stabbed and shaved him have avoided more time in custody after they were sentenced in the ACT Supreme Court.
The girls were 15 and 17 at the time of the attack.
The court heard they had been smoking ice, when, for an unknown reason, they concluded that the man who lived in a nearby unit was a rapist, and decided to act.
The pair went to his home and forced him to sit with his hands on a table, before one of them hit the table in the middle with a small axe.
The man’s hands were then tied behind his back and one of the girls stabbed him with a needle.
When the man tried to run away, the pair caught him and took him to the bathroom of another unit.
He was punched and kicked and made to take a shower, before the girls shaved him and cut his hair.
In his judgment, Justice Michael Elkaim noted one of the girls recorded the events in the bathroom.
“The recording reveals that [one of the girls] told him that she was going to stab him,” he said.
Justice Elkaim said there was no evidence the man was responsible for any sexual assault.
“I have no doubt that [the man] was terrified throughout his ordeal and will suffer the psychological consequences for some time,” he said.
Maybe it was abos. Who knows.
What I do know is that white women act like this.
Such are things.