It would have been a lot better if the Jews had never collapsed the economy in the first place.
Or, hey – maybe it wouldn’t have been?
Global financial markets should brace for a period of decline that will be more severe than the crashes of the 1970s and 2008, according to renowned economist and New York University professor Nouriel Roubini.
He told Bloomberg on Thursday that central banks will eventually give up on their monetary policy tightening before inflation is ever defeated. “It’s going to get ugly, the recession, and you’ll have a financial crisis,” Roubini warned.
I’ve said that this whole time – there is zero chance they are going to go all the way with this interest rate thing. There is no reason to, because you can’t actually solve the problem that way now.
(Some faggot on Gab tried to school me in basic Keynesian economics – yes, bro, I understand that raising interest rates is the traditional way to manage inflation, but it is way, way too late for that now, and you’re definitely not going to do it with this current inflation. Maybe you could raise it massively, but then the economy would just collapse in the other direction.)
The only way for this to work is to just keep printing money.
He pointed to stocks that are down more than 20% this year, to strains in private equity, to a cooling in US real estate, and to a slumping credit market, where companies took advantage of years of low interest rates to pile on debt.
“Inflation is not going to fall fast enough because you have the negative supply shock,” he explained, adding: “Remember, when you have negative supply shock, you get a recession and high inflation. We’re not going to get a fall in inflation that’s rapid enough to go to 2%.”
According to Roubini, the result of all this will be a period that combines the worst of the 1970s and the Global Financial Crisis. “This is just the beginning of that pain. Wait until it’s real pain. And then you have a major financial institution that may crack globally, not in the US maybe now, but certainly internationally,” he said.
“There are a couple of firms that are huge and systemic. They can go under. You might have another Lehman effect, then the Fed will have to wimp out. You’ll have a severe recession and you’ll have a financial market shock. They’re going to wimp out for sure,” the economist warned.
I don’t agree it is going to be the 1970s plus 2008. I have predicted since the coronavirus hoax that it is going to be worse than the Great Depression – by a lot.
I guess we’ll see, but I would bet my soon to be worthless dollars to some tasty and always valuable donuts that it’s going to be full-on.