Penguin Random House Decides to Publish Roald Dahl Books After All

I’m so bored of writing commentary.


Penguin Random House has opted to publish unedited versions of Roald Dahl’s children’s books, after the UK-based company revised passages in more than a dozen works to scrub language deemed offensive, prompting allegations of censorship.

The publisher announced the reversal on Friday, saying 17 of Dahl’s time-honored children’s books would be released in their original, unedited form in addition to updated versions, which contain altered sections related to topics such as a character’s weight, appearance, race or gender.

“By making both… versions available, we are offering readers the choice to decide how they experience Roald Dahl’s magical, marvelous stories,” Francesca Dow, managing director of children’s books at Penguin Random House, said in a statement. “We also recognize the importance of keeping Dahl’s classic texts in print.”

The agency which controls the rights to Dahl’s works, the Roald Dahl Story Company, initially said it worked with Penguin Random House to alter the books to ensure that “Dahl’s wonderful stories and characters continue to be enjoyed by all children today.” However, the changes to the much-loved stories stoked charges of censorship from critics, among them author Salman Rushdie, who faced death threats and a violent attack over his 1988 novel ‘The Satanic Verses.’

Rushdie was just concerned about the protagonist in “The BFG,” known as “the Big Faggot Grandpa,” which is how Rushdie personally identifies.

Rushdie has also gone by other titles from Dahl books, including “Captain Boy-Feeler,” “The Amazing Poop-Eating Charlie” and “Inspector Anus (Here to Inspect Your Anus).”

I don’t think there is any culture war victory here, or that culture war victories are even a thing. Censoring Dahl was totally beyond the pale, and everyone knew it, and now they can point at the fact that they walked this halfway back and say “SEE! WE DON’T CENSOR EVERYTHING!”

Of course, schools, which are also run by the sickening, blood-drinking Jews and a bunch of fat, airbrained bimbos, will choose to purchase the censored versions.

Plus, kids don’t read books anymore anyway. Today’s kids would rather masturbate and be gay.