Pentagram Releases “Metallic Orb” UFO Video

Insert picture of anti-white “anal marriage” supporter Tucker Carlson doing the Nintendo Switch face.


The Pentagon on Wednesday declassified a video shot by a US MQ-9 Reaper drone after it encountered an unidentified flying object zooming over the Middle East. The incident, which was reported last year, is the first such encounter by an unmanned aircraft with what the military has renamed Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Explaining the video’s contents during a Senate hearing, Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), listed the attributes of the bright and shimmering “metallic orb” the military drone saw.

Silver. Translucent. Metallic. 10,000 to 30,000 feet [in the air] with apparent velocities from the stationary to mach to no thermal exhausts usually detected,” he said, noting the object had behaved “consistent with other ‘metallic orb’ observations in the region.”

Kirkpatrick did not rule out that the orb could be “adversary breakthrough technology,” but said it could also fall under the heading of “known objects or phenomena” or “extraterrestrials.”

They are releasing new aliens horseshit every week now.

The chances continue to increase that they are going to do some kind of major aliens hoax to throw confusion into the spicy mix of their endless war agenda.