Pfizer Having Trouble Making RSV Vax Available, Only Selected Lucky Few to Get One! Hurry!

I’m low income.

How about Pfizer delivers me a bucket of Xanax?

This shit is stressing me out.


Pfizer Inc has pledged to deliver critical new medicines more quickly in low-income nations, but its first such vaccine effort faces hurdles likely to delay distribution in poorer countries by several years, global health officials told Reuters.

Pfizer made a commitment on more equitable access last year, following criticism that it prioritized wealthy nations for doses of its COVID-19 shot early in the pandemic. The company says it wants to shorten a timeline in which poorer countries often get vaccines many years after they are available elsewhere.

The drugmaker received a $28 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in September to support the launch of the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in poorer countries, where RSV – a common cold-like virus – is much more likely to be lethal for very young children.

Pfizer’s maternal RSV vaccine is expected to be approved for use in pregnant women in May in the United States and several months later in Europe, and the company plans to launch the product in both markets in the fall. Its peak sales forecast is of more than $2 billion annually together from the maternal vaccine and an RSV shot for older adults.

But the vaccine will need a different delivery system to be used in developing countries in Africa and Asia, including alternative packaging and syringes. Preparations for those modifications are just beginning, according to the World Health Organization and the company – which is likely to push back delivery by several years.

The case highlights how equitable global access will require better advance planning by drugmakers, governments and health organizations, health officials say.

In an interview last month, Pfizer’s head of vaccines research and development Annaliesa Anderson said the company still aimed to make its vaccine – the first of its kind – available for pregnant women in low-income countries more or less in the “same time frame” as in wealthy countries.

This whole “Jews using fake medicine for experimental and murderous purposes” definitely falls into the category of “the retardality of evil.”