Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2020

I don’t know if this is even real, but I guess maybe it is. There’s no way to know. The media could easily just make it up, no one is going to check.
Women will do everything they can to protect drug dealers, as a rule, but in Manila, this whole “narco-state” thing really affects everyone’s lives, including women’s. So the idea they are actually protecting the drug dealers is hard to swallow.
Late each night, a dozen women chat and share a meal before hitting the narrow streets of a Manila suburb where a death squad once roamed.
They are the “women’s patrol”, a group of 18 mothers and grandmothers whose nightly walks through the dimly lit alleys of Pateros have been helping to deter shadowy gunmen behind murders of residents linked to illegal drugs.
Not long after Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared a war on drugs in 2016 and promised thousands would die, Pateros was being terrorized by attackers in hoods and ski masks, known locally as the “bonnet gang”.
With the town of 63,000 paralyzed by fear, the women decided to arm themselves with flashlights and patrol their community, keeping up a nightly presence to disrupt the bonnet gang.
“When we started patrols, the enthusiasm came back to our community and the fear disappeared. Back then, people were afraid to go out,” said Jenny Helo, 39, who leads the women through the labyrinth of shops, shacks and informal dwellings.
“But when they saw how effective we are, because of how we really go around the community, people regained confidence.”
Why was the town afraid?
Are they all drug dealers?
Women are just incredible with this drive to absolutely destroy everything.
There is not a single Jew in the Philippines, and here you have a band of women organizing to protect drug dealers.