Phoenix: Best Rally Ever! Watch Nick’s Speech! Come Back Tomorrow!


Event over!

Great show!

The boomers tried to cancel Nick Fuentes, telling him he couldn’t get on the main stage, so he went to the other side of the park and started giving his own speech through a bullhorn. (Boomers are so ridiculous, dude. It’s actually almost unbelievable every time I see it, even though I’ve been living with it my whole life.)

Here’s that little 15 minute event:

The boomers were mad they lost all their viewers, so they came over and told him to come back and he could get on the main stage.

Here’s Nick’s SPEECH on the main stage:

Another view:

Vince James from Red Elephants gave a good speech too, but it was overshadowed by the fact that he was literally wearing shorts and a camo jacket (sorry bro, but we gotta shame people for that – it costs nothing to look like an adult).

Baked Alaska sang a song.

This is the full rally, which includes Vince and Baked, along with the boomer freakout. There is also some guy who looks Jewish that appears be controlling the whole group of boomers, which is an interesting case study.

Nick is truly an amazing man. He is the hero we needed all along.


We will be back again tomorrow, when there is another rally at 2 PM EST.

Then there is another one at 11 AM EST on Monday, which is outside the Hyatt Hotel. That was is being promoted .

If you didn’t make it to this one, be there on MONDAY! That’s the BIG ONE!

Paul Gosar’s gonna be there, hopefully Alex Jones.

Original article follows.

Today at 2 PM EST we have a major rally happening in Phoenix, Arizona, in support of our Great President whom we love.

The rally will be featuring Nick Fuentes, Ethan Ralph, Baked Alaska and members of the Baked Alaska extended streaming universe (BAU).

(Not only might Sammy show up, but with Sammy’s potential appearance, it could well be that Amanda will show up as well! If Amanda shows up, we will need as many people as possible to confront her about her evil plan!)

If you’re reading this and you can get there, I demand that you get there. By any means necessary. Swim up the Salt River, if you have to. It’s a river made of salt, so it’s easy to swim (due to buoyancy).

If by some curse you cannot make it to the rally, be here and we will be streaming live.

Daily Stormer’s very own Leo Fong will be tapping in.

The event is scheduled to start at 2 PM EST (that’s 7 PM GMT), and it might start late. Our stream will probably start a little bit before then, but we will definitely be live by 2 PM.

We’ll be covering all the biggest and best streamers who will be streaming. Baked Alaska will be there for sure, as will Ethan Ralph.

What’s more, I can announce that Nick Fuentes will also be in Phoenix through the weekend, and will be having an event on Monday at 9AM (Arizona time).

Rep. Paul Goser will also be there!

We will presumably be streaming that on Monday, as well as presumably something on Sunday as well.

But right now: understand that we will be streaming today at 2 PM. This page will have the link to the stream when we go live.

Everything is coming together. Trump is the LION and he’s about to go nuts.

We have a plan for Trump to win, and Trump is confident he is going to win.

He’s popping off, we’re tapping in!

We are 100% on the right track here.

Making our voices heard is the most important thing we can be doing right now.

We need the whole country to know that they are not alone.

The people stand together in support of Trump, against the coronavirus hoax and the global communist takeover!

We’re going to reclaim our country and make everything like 1988 again!