Please be Careful with Malaysia Jet Conspiracy Theories

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

We appear to have a real conspiracy on our hands.  Let's not go overboard.
We appear to have a real conspiracy on our hands. Let’s not go overboard.

I would like to request that people be careful and try not to go to far with the Malaysia jet Ukraine conspiracy theories.

I myself have a conspiracy theory, which I think there is significant evidence to support – I think the West or the Maidan Coup shot down the jet, in order to blame Russia and escalate the conflict in the Ukraine.  I will not declare that I know this for a fact, but given the available data, I believe it is the most likely scenario, for reasons I have outlined.

However, there is a disturbing trend, which is ongoing, of people taking things much too far, and going into a separate realm, where nothing is real and nothing ever happens.

I have already seen people in comments sections claiming that this jet being downed relates somehow to the missing Malaysian plane from earlier this year, and that it might be the same plane.  This makes no sense at all to me, and appears to be based only on the fact that it appears to be a coincidence that both major passenger jet stories of the year were from the same airline.  There is otherwise absolutely no logical reason to believe that this plane was missing and then they used it for this event in the Ukraine.

It truly pains me that I even have to say this, but I am rather certain that the usual suspects will come out and make this exact claim in the coming days.  These hardcore conspiracy people, who maintain these theories as a hobby, have worked their way into the Antisemitic movement and have duped many people who are honestly looking for the truth.

The believers in this type of conspiracy came out days after the Lee Rigby killing and said it had been faked by actors.  The killers were actors, the family were actors, all people there were actors.  Apparently, the media did this because Muslims don't really slaughter Whites in Europe, the government just wants you to believe they do.
The believers in this type of conspiracy came out days after the Lee Rigby killing and said it had been faked by actors. The killers were actors, the family members were actors, all people there were actors. Apparently, the media did this because Muslims don’t really slaughter Whites in Europe, the government just wants you to believe they do.
These theories of "fakery" originated a few years ago with a website called "wellaware1," where the author would conclude that all famous people were really different actors wearing make-up, based on the shapes of their ears.
These theories of “fakery” originated a few years ago with a website called “wellaware1,” where the author would conclude that all famous people were really different actors wearing make-up, based on the shapes of their ears. 
These theories were then merged with the theories presented in the documentary film "September Clues," which claims that no one died on 9/11.  The maker of the film also claims that satellites do not exist.  It is beyond the pale.
These theories were then merged with the theories presented in the documentary film “September Clues,” which claims that no one died on 9/11. The maker of the film also claims that satellites do not exist. It is beyond the pale.  Though a series of channels, this type of very strange thinking has somehow weaselled its way into the Antisemitic movement.

It is very clear to me that these fringe theories simply serve to confuse the people, to make them waste their time chasing ghosts, as well as to discredit anyone who dares question official events by associating them with these extreme and weird theories about “fakery.”

The idea that hundreds of actors would be used to fake as members of the families of these victims – on both planes, they are different victims – because it would have been impossible to shoot down this plane over the Ukraine is so wild as to make my stomach turn.

One can easily speculate on logical reasons why it was a Malaysian Airlines flight instead of some other company.  For instance, as I understand it, Malaysian Airlines does tend to have incompetent pilots, which was the reason for the missing plane earlier this year.  This would have made it easier to get the pilot to divert his course over a warzone.  Also, I am not sure, but I imagine MA was one of the only companies flying a 777 anywhere near that area in the first place.

The people who came up with these original “fakery” tales in the first place have formed a cult, which they try and suck members into.  They do not care about working for change and waking up the people, as is our goal here on the Daily Stormer, and instead care about pleasuring themselves with endless debates on forums, with feeling smart because they invented some new theory.  It is a hobby, period, and I have no interest in it.

I am sure there are those that will continue to believe in these types of theories, no matter what I say.  My purpose here is not to insult you.  It is your right to believe such things, if you for whatever reason choose to do so.  My purpose is merely to warn those who may not have been exposed to these theories, and no doubt soon will be, that they need to be very critical and not simply accept such ideas without having thought them through.

I would also hope that those who do believe in these things might consider how destructive it is to trying to get the much more simple and basic truth out to the people.  Even if all events are faked and no one ever really dies – for whatever reason – it must be obvious that trying to sell this to masses of people makes you look crazy (even if you aren’t, and I’m just an idiot for not realizing the truth of these theories).

So please, people.  Be careful, be critical and be responsible.  We appear to have a real conspiracy on our hands, and we have a chance to inform a lot of people about what is happening through this.

Let’s try and stay grounded.