Poland Pulls Out of EU Treaty on Violence Against Women After Being Told to Teach Tranny Doctrine to Kids

I don’t think trannies are really very popular anywhere, it’s just that in the West, people are very well trained to never oppose anything that is framed as being the politically correct attitude.

Probably, trying to force Eastern Europe to go full-tranny was a bit of an overstep.


The Polish government is pulling out of a European treaty said to focus on violence against women. Warsaw says it contains a provision for schools to teach children about gender theory, which calls biological sexes “archaic.”

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy has been directed to take the steps necessary to withdraw from the Council of Europe’s so-called Istanbul Convention, Poland’s Ministry of Justice said on Monday. Poland ratified the treaty, which was signed in haste in 2012, back in 2015, but countries such as neighboring Hungary, Lithuania and the Czech Republic have yet to do so.

“It contains elements of an ideological nature, which we consider harmful,” Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said, explaining the move.

In particular, Warsaw takes issue with “the false assumption that biological sex is archaic, and in fact everything comes down to the socio-cultural gender,” Ziobro said.

Forcing nations to promote the theory to children not only violates parental rights, he added, but “we believe this to be false, and we completely reject it.”

The thing is, they were already pretty deep into Western brainwashing if they accepted the premise of “domestic violence” as a real thing to begin with.

The Jews can back off on the tranny thing for a few years, and then come back at Poland with it after they’ve been further brainwashed by entertainment media. The women of the country will demand it be accepted.

We are however entering into an interesting dynamic, where the West is preparing to go into ultra-hoax mode, aggressively promoting extreme lunacy that the East is not at all ready for. So, it’s possible that we will begin to see real pushback from these countries.