Police Arrest Father and Son in Hawaii for Using Fake Coronavirus Vaccine Passports

If people didn’t do this, the media would make up stories about it, because the end goal is to come out and say “we’ll have to tie the vaccine certificate to people’s biometrics to prevent falsification.”

But of course, people were going to do it.

New York Post:

A California father and son flew to Hawaii for vacation — only to be arrested at the airport and jailed after allegedly showing officials fake COVID-19 passports.

Norbert Chung, 57, and Trevor Chung, 19, were taken into custody at Honolulu’s airport Sunday and charged with trying to get around the isolated state’s Safe Travel Program with phony documentation, according to local outlet KHON.

The arrests are the first of their kind in the Aloha State, which has been grappling with soaring COVID-19 cases this month, the report said.

Ongoing travel restrictions require visitors to present proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test to avoid a 10-day quarantine.

Prosecutors said the arrests were made after receiving a tip from a community member, the TV station reported.

“To come to Hawaii and spend thousands of dollars on a trip and hotel and airfare and the money you’re going to spend to enjoy paradise, you’re going to risk that and spend even more money, because you put yourself, your family and others in jeopardy,” Arthur Logan, special agent of criminal investigations for the Department of Attorney General, told the outlet.

It just never ends with these people and their “greater good” nonsense.

After the Chungs were arrested, they flew back to California and tested negative for COVID-19, then returned to Hawaii, where they were going through the court system, their attorney told the station.

It’s unclear why the father and son allegedly resorted to fake documentation, or why they reportedly flew back to the mainland for their coronavirus tests.

Anyone found guilty of falsifying vaccination documents is subject to a $5,000 fine and/or a year in prison, the article said.

This is new.

Before this, it was not at all clear if making your own vaxx card was illegal, or if it was only selling them that was illegal. Basically, the FBI had talked about it “maybe” being illegal to falsify an official seal, but never made a definite statement on that.

Maybe it’s because they wanted people to try it so they could catch them and then push the biometrics angle.

What the KHON article says is:

Falsifying a vaccination statute comes with a fine of up to $5,000 and/or a year in prison. It is also illegal to sell or buy vaccine cards.

But what kind of illegal are we talking about here?

Shoplifting kind of illegal?

Regardless of “how illegal” it is, I can’t recommend it.

People are going to do what they’re going to do, and obviously people have different types of situations they are in, but at this point, there is no way to fake this long-term, even if you decided to take the chance.

They are clearly moving in a direction of tying the vaccine passport to biometrics, and you won’t be able to fake that. At least not very easily.

There is also an argument to be made that by faking the vaxx pass, you are actually promoting the system, by at least going through the motions of cooperating with it.

One thing is obvious: the people that sacrificed their bodies to the system via this vaxx will be willing to do absolutely anything to try to harm those who have refused to submit. The slaves know they are slaves, in some part of their brain. They know they’ve submitted to an evil system, and they resent people who have the moral fortitude to resist. That means that they will all happily go along with the biometrics system.