Police Capture Second Darkie Responsible for Killing Young White Man

Nathaniel Acevedo, left, and Tyrese Randolph.

That dindu on the right has the jiggabooiest nose I’ve ever seen.

He almost makes the Halfrican beaner on the left look human by comparison.

Local 21 News:

A second arrest has been made in the death of Torin Dworchak.

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, 20-year-old Nathaniel Acevedo was arrested today in Tennessee.

Acevedo and his accomplice Tyrese Randolph were originally charged for the murder on September 11th. Police were able to locate and arrested Randolph in Connection with the homicide, but were unable to find Acevedo.

The U.S. Marshals Task Force took over the case, and learned that Acevedo fled to Nashville. Police were finally able to arrest Acevedo around 12 PM today, along the 3100 block of Brickdale Lane in Nashville.

Acevedo has been turned over to the Davidson County Jail to await extradition back to Pennsylvania.

Torin Dworchak.