Police Offering $3000 Reward for Information on Feral Black Who Pistol-Whipped 73-Year-Old White Woman

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2017

We need to begin profiting off of black crime.

We need a Stormer Bounty Hunter Squad – a legal one of course – to track down these animals and collect the rewards that the police often offer.

This money could do wonders for the movement, and also prepare us for the far future.


A Pasco woman who survived a violent home invasion is warning others it can happen to anyone.

She didn’t want to talk about exactly what happened when a man beat and robbed her, but she says it was the scariest moment of her life.

Hanlin described the man to Pasco County deputies and they were able to put together a detailed composite sketch. She says he was wearing shorts, a polo shirt and had a black backpack with him.

Hanlin says once he was inside, he robbed her of several guns and hit her more than once.

“One was with the gun in his hand, the other was with his hand and like this,” she says as she describes how he pushed her down.

Fortunately she’s not badly injured, but does have quite the shiner on her right eye and a cut on her forehead. She says it was the worst day of her life.

“Be extra careful, about opening your door to sales people and strangers,” she warns.

We have been saying this for years.

The sheriff described the suspect as a black male in his late 20’s or early 30’s, 5’11″ or 6’ tall, with a muscular build and short hair.

Nocco also wants people to remember that if you see this man, don’t approach him, because they consider him armed and dangerous. Instead, call them right away.

A $3,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to an arrest in the case.

See that.

That could be your #3,000.