Polish City Hosts First Ever Anal Pride Parade; Leftist Politicians Demand Even More Sodomy

Daily Stormer
August 14, 2019

It’s not enough for men to be fucking other men up their asses in private. They need you to know how proud they are of their fecal ways.

Without grown men fucking each other up their assholes, Poland will not survive.


Two months before Poland’s parliamentary election, LGBT issues have soared to the top of the political agenda, which is why the three leaders of a newly formed left-wing political alliance were marching in a gay pride parade Saturday in the central city of Płock.

We have to be here for freedom,” said Robert Biedroń, a newly elected MEP and leader of the Wiosna movement. “We want to convert [leader of the ruling Law and Justice party Jarosław] Kaczyński and the Catholic church,” he added.

Freedom (to turn everyone gay).

Until this year, gay rights had been a peripheral issue in Polish politics.

Many of Poland’s MPs, including then Prime Minister and current European Council President Donald Tusk, laughed at the openly gay Biedroń as he delivered his first speech to the Polish parliament after winning a seat in 2011.

Most parties, including the ex-communist Democratic Left Alliance and Tusk’s Civic Platform, have traditionally been leery of openly promoting issues like civil partnership, afraid of alienating a conservative country.

But ahead of the October 13 election, Law and Justice (PiS) politicians together with senior clerics from the powerful Roman Catholic church, have unleashed a series of verbal attacks against gay people — accusing them of promoting an ideology alien and dangerous to Poland.

Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski gave a recent sermon warning of a “rainbow disease” stalking Poland, comparing LGBT communities to the communists who once ruled the country.

He was speaking just days after a gay pride parade in the northeastern city of Bialystok was attacked by football hooligans and nationalists.

The same groups promised to attack Saturday’s march in Płock. A massive police presence protected several thousand marchers and helped ensure opponents hurled obscenities rather than rocks and eggs.

“They are people who want to impose things on us — strange ideologies we don’t agree with,” said Jarek Krajewski, a Płock local who showed up toward the end of the parade waving an enormous banner with a sword on it reading: “Homopropaganda is a 21st century disease.”

Spreading The Gay Disease

Homosexuality is by definition a contagious disease. Carriers are unwilling to have normal children, and so the disease can only spread through analist propaganda, the gay mafia putting xenoestrogens in the food and water supply, and the Boy Scouts.

No one is policing what these people do in private, dragging them to death behind pickup trucks or throwing them off of rooftops, but they aren’t satisfied with their private little hells. They want to be in public and they want to be celebrated because they want to eventually form fake marriages, “adopt” little kids, and fuck them up their little asses to spread their disease.

Like any disease, it attempts to overtake and eventually kill its host, and in this case, the host is Poland.

The Gender Unicorn has set its sights on Poland.

The disease is at an earlier stage in Poland than it is in the West, but this will inevitably change after another generation of plastic exposure and anal propaganda.

Unless the EU collapses before then, and Poland gets some real leadership.

You know what I mean.

He did nothing wrong.