Polish Teen had to Learn How to Walk and Talk Again After Getting Brutally Raped by a Pavement Ape in Chicago

You never seem to hear about white men committing these extremely brutal “raping women into a coma” type attacks, and for good reason: white men don’t commit them. Like, ever. There would have been an almost zero chance of this happening to this woman in her native Poland.

This is an exclusively non-white phenomenon – and in particular, an overwhelmingly black phenomenon.

The statistics won’t always make that clear, however, since Jewish feminism has successfully managed to lump “date rape” and other stupid hoaxes (designed to target white men) into the same “rape” category as what you’re about to read.


A teenager had to learn how to walk again after a brutal rape left her with traumatic brain damage.

Police say 38-year-old Rufus Carson stalked and viciously attacked the 18-year-old in Chicago, Illinois last August – and now he faces up to 150 years in prison.

The teenager from Poland had been visiting with family for the summer on a student work visa. She was leaving a train station when Carson allegedly chased her up an escalator, prosecutors said Tuesday.

In the surveillance footage, Carson is seen putting the teen into a ‘chokehold’ and dragging her into an alley ‘clearly against her will,’ prosecutor Mikki Miller said. The attack occurs just out of sight of the camera, but the camera recorded audio of the attack.

Rufus Carson.

The feed captured ten minutes of the victim screaming, as well as ‘dull banging’ that Miller said was the victims head banging against the ground, according to Block Club Chicago.

Miller said Carson beat the girl and raped her multiple times, then was seen back on camera ‘adjusting his pants,’ before he disappears from the camera’s view again to continue raping the woman.

After the attack, Carson is seen taking off his shirt, sweating, and ‘out of breath.’ Construction crews found the woman in a pool of her own blood approximately an hour later and called 911.

An EMT arrived as the victim slipping in and out of consciousness. She reportedly said, ‘I was raped,’ before she fell back unconscious.

The victim would spend days in a coma with severe brain injuries, shattered facial bones, and numerous cuts.

When she regained consciousness, her first attempts at communicating were screams of terror while lying in the fetal position, according to Miller.

She spent months in a rehabilitation facility where she eventually relearned how to walk and talk.

Carson’s DNA was found to have matched the sample taken with a rape kit. He was arrested one day after the attack.

In court on Tuesday, Carson was offered a plea deal which offered a 30-year sentence – but Carson rejected it saying, ‘I’m not going to listen to that no more.’

The case is set to go to trial and Carson’s sentence will rely heavily on what his victim says. His trial is scheduled to start on January 24.