You may remember that in 2018, rapper Kendrick Lamar invited a fat white girl on stage to sing with him, and then condemned her for not skipping the word “nigga.”
Some white girl said the N word on stage with @kendricklamar last night and it was WILD!!! She already deleted her Twitter. R.I.P Delaney ? pic.twitter.com/HUmpDcJHVP
— Auryan (@AuryanR) May 21, 2018
(Note that it is white people in that crowd booing her – I don’t think black people would have understood what she did wrong.)
At the time, a whole bunch of black people – and even some white leftists – were saying it was a setup, and just a really nasty thing to do to someone, let alone your own fan who probably paid $70 for the ticket (at least 21 cents of which Ticketmaster would have given to Lamar).
Well, after DMX’s death, video has emerged of him at Woodstock 2 in 1999, with a crowd that is almost entirely white, getting them to scream “nigga.”
DMX getting the mostly white Woodstock 99 audience to repeatedly shout the n word pic.twitter.com/UhQOghf4cE
— Paul Joseph Watson is a pedophile (@NakedSavior) April 9, 2021
(Here’s the full show on YouTube, in case that clip gets deleted from Twitter. If your Twitter name is “Paul Joseph Watson is a Pedophile,” your account probably isn’t going to be up very long. By the way, I don’t even know what that is a reference to, but I believe it.)
So what is the meaning of this?
The meaning is this: just like Asians can’t understand political correctness, black people can’t really either.
When I was a kid (in 1999), rap was popular among middle class white kids, and no one would have ever thought of the idea that it was some kind of sin to sing along with a rap song and say “nigga.” Neither white people, nor black people, would ever have thought of that.
Modern BLM type black people don’t understand political correctness either. What they understand is that they can go along with these things in order to gain power. That’s all.
Blacks are not actually offended by any of this stuff. Most black people do generally dislike white people, just as a rule, but that doesn’t mean that their feelings are hurt by these things that Jews claim hurt their feelings. I mean, I generally dislike black people, but my feelings aren’t hurt if a black person says “cracka.”
Of course, they will tell you now that “nigga” and “cracka” are different, because blacks can’t hurt someone’s feelings because they don’t have any power in society. But that is just weird nonsense – it literally does not make any sense. Firstly, black people do have power in society, and secondly, how much power the group you identify with has in society can’t possibly affect whether your words can hurt people’s feelings or not.
I can guarantee that when Kendrick Lamar entrapped that fat white girl and got her to say the n-word so he could white-shame her, her feelings were really hurt. She deleted all her social media accounts, meaning it basically ruined her entire life. It was three years ago, and I imagine she’s still suffering from the incident.
But listen: political correctness is a gigantic hoax. That would be true whether or not so-called “white racism” existed or not (it doesn’t exist).
The only people who seem to be capable of actually internalizing political correctness are white people, and it is a weapon designed to hurt us.
With regards to black people hating white people: DMX probably didn’t hate white people, because he was rich. Primarily, other than just a natural distaste for people who are different (something which all people have instinctively, but black people have a lot more of than any other race), the main reason black people hate white people is that white people have more money than them, and most poor blacks believe that white people have more money because of some kind of conspiracy against them.
Obviously, the opposite is true – whites have really, really put a lot of effort into bringing up the economic status of black people. It just hasn’t worked, because black people are, at least by white standards, really irresponsible with money.
The core problem is that most black people who get money just move out of black neighborhoods, and go live with whites. We recently saw this with the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, who supposedly hates white people, but decided to move into an almost entirely white neighborhood.
What would be ideal is if instead of abandoning their own communities, black people who made money would figure out ways to help their own community. To be fair, some rappers have done this, but most rich black people haven’t done that.
Side Issue: DMX Vaccine Rumors
A black news website reported that they talked to DMX’s family and they said he hadn’t been smoking crack lately and instead died from the coronavirus “vaccine.” Here’s the article on MTO News; you can read and judge for yourself. I hate to do it, but here’s the Snopes link (probably don’t click that without a VPN/Tor) saying that there’s no evidence outside of this alleged interview with the family from a site that isn’t especially reliable.
As a rule, I would believe anyone other than Snopes. But I assume X’s family has social media, and they haven’t posted anything about this. If his kids or whoever come out and say the vaccine killed him on their own social media, that will be interesting, but this one website reporting it – I don’t really think that is very good evidence.
I tell you this because: if you spread these kinds of rumors, it discredits actual facts you might be trying to spread. We have enough facts, so there is no reason to go into unsubstantiated rumors.
That said: I don’t care if black people go around spreading this rumor. I’m not going to interrupt that. The fact that so many black people are unwilling to take the vaccine is a good thing for all of us. They are actually providing a kind of shield for white people who don’t want to take it. So if you’re someone working on trying to manipulate black people into doing things that benefit white people, then sure, go ahead and spread this rumor amongst them.
But don’t tell white people DMX died of the vaccine. White people can do a quick search and find out that the source for this is an unreliable black gossip site, and that will make you look stupid.