Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2014

So, as the dear reader is aware, I have been recently attacked by multiple members of the alleged White Nationalist movement. One of their key complaints is that this site uses too much NSDAP imagery.
Of course, I changed the banner, in part because it was too Nazi, and I thought it more prudent to simply include Nazi concepts in the articles, rather than announce it at the top of the site. However, as I explained in my response to Greg Johnson this morning, I do believe that promoting Hitler and the National Socialists is an important aspect of the propaganda agenda. I believe I have fully explained my reasons for this, and thus far, none of the haters have countered my arguments.
I am interested in what the reader thinks.
Is there too much Hitlerism on the site? Should it be toned down?
[yop_poll id=”11″]If you like, explain your reasoning in the comments section.
Note: I just remembered I have graphs for the last poll, regarding music tastes. I’ll put those up sometime this week. I get so busy sometimes, brothers. Hard to get everything done that needs done.
Note 2: Regarding the use of the word “Nazi,” which some people complain about, I have decided I like the word, and it isn’t a slur at present, even if it used to be. I generally use it somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but at the same time, think it sounds cool. You’re also welcome to state your opinion on that in the comments section below.