Protesters Organize Outside Moscow Mitch’s House, Call for His Death

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2019

Moscow Mitch is feeling the heat!

He should have thought of this before he agreed to work for Vladimir Putin to help to legalize guns in America!

Fox News:

A group of protesters supporting gun control gathered outside the home of Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. where one expressed that someone should “stab the motherf—er in the heart.”

The protest took place on Sunday night in the wake of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. McConnell is currently recovering from a fall he had over the weekend, leaving him with a fractured shoulder.

Approximately 25 demonstrators stood on the sidewalk near McConnell’s Louisville home, shouting “No Trump, no KKK, no Fascist USA!” while others called him names like “Murder Turtle” and made loud noises by banging objects and dragging a shovel back and forth on the ground as a group of security personnel stood between the protestors and the home, WLKY reported.

“The b—- is home — we keep seeing the lights go on and off,” another protester can be heard shouting. “This h– really thought he was going to get ready to be at home after he hurt his little punk ass shoulder. B—-, don’t nobody give a f—! F–k your thoughts and prayers, Mitch. F— you, f— your wife, f— everything you stand for. ”

Louisville Metro Police told the New York Post that the demonstrators were “protesting peacefully.” The force added that they “are assisting Capitol Police.

A male protester is heard in the clip saying that “hopefully” someone out there has a “voodoo doll.” The female protester appears to agree.  “Just stab the motherf**ker in the heart, please,” she says.

It is wrong to call for Moscow Mitch’s murder.

But we must do something about the fact that our government is controlled by Russians who believe that normal people have the right to own guns!

It’s against democracy!

This is not who we are!