Putin Lands in Saudi to Very Warm Welcome

Not feeling so isolated, lol.

Looking pretty free!


Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in Riyadh on Wednesday, as part of his Middle East tour. He is scheduled to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other officials of the Kingdom, which is about to become a member of BRICS next month.

Half a dozen high-ranking Saudi officials greeted the Russian leader as he stepped off the plane, and escorted him to the motorcade waiting to take him to the royal palace.

Earlier in the day, Putin visited the United Arab Emirates and met with UAE leader Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Emirates put on a show to welcome him, with fighter jets drawing the Russian flag in the sky and his motorcade escorted by horse- and camel-mounted guards.


Pretty warm welcomes here.

Feels so good, man.

According to the Kremlin, the talks in Abu Dhabi focused on prospects for further development of bilateral cooperation, “as well as pressing international issues with the emphasis on the situation in the Middle East.” 

Discussions with Crown Prince bin Salman, meanwhile, will touch on the price of oil, the Ukraine conflict, and the situation in Gaza. The two leaders and their aides will also discuss trade and investment plans, according to TASS.

“We expected you in Moscow,” Putin told bin Salman at the start of their meeting, noting that “circumstances made adjustments to those plans.”


“But nothing can hinder the development of our friendly relations,” the Russian leader added. “While here in the region on a planned visit to the UAE, I took advantage of your invitation to meet with you and all the other friends we’ve been developing ties with for the past seven years. But the next meeting should be in Moscow!”

Russia and Saudi Arabia are both members of OPEC+, which agreed last week to further cut production to boost oil prices. Riyadh was approved to join the trade group of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) as of January 2024.

Bloomberg described the Russian leader’s Middle East trip as “defying US and European efforts to isolate him on the global stage.”

Remember that the United States of Silly Faggots is actually saying they have an arrest warrant for Putin.

Interesting that Saudi, which is supposed to be an ally, isn’t honoring that. Interesting they are literally joining BRICS.

It’s almost like the Jews are really losing badly, and this is why they are lashing out like divorced women.

It’s more likely now that Joe Biden would be arrested in the Middle East for what he’s doing to Gaza.

It’s just wacky, the way the US is totally imploding. At the end of the Trump administration, there was still a viable path to world domination, and this has just spun so out of control that there is now zero doubt in my mind that I’m going to live to see US officials fleeing the Capitol in helicopters.

And remember – I’m dying of a brain tumor.


The Irish diaspora who is banned from their motherland because of Holocaust denial and other faggotry – specifically, me – now has a saying when we clink whisky glasses: “Next Year, In Belfast.”

Note that this phrase not only denotes that Conor McGregor is going to seize control and crown himself King of the Eire, but also that we will be clearing out the occupiers who circumcised our motherland.

When Putin visits Ulster to meet with our King, I’m going to be there on the tarmac, very well dressed and totally plastered, and the fireworks and air force show is going to be much better than the one the UAE did.

For Putin’s visit, we will also fill the entire River Lagan with whisky, so the people – including Russian diplomats, if they so choose – can swim in whisky and drink it.