Rachel Levine is Now the First Tranny Four-Star Officer in America

This is all totally normal and the path ahead just means that things are going to keep getting more and more normal, progressively.

We are totally not in some kind of cultural death spiral that we could never hope to pull up out of.

New York Post:

Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine made history Tuesday by becoming the first openly transgender four-star officer in America’s eight uniformed services.

Levine, 63, was ceremonially sworn in as an admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced.

“I am deeply honored & grateful to join the ranks of men & women across this great nation who have committed to defend the United States against small & large threats, known and unknown,” Levine tweeted upon her swearing-in. “I promise to uphold that trust to the fullest extent of my abilities.”

“Admiral Levine’s historic appointment as the first openly transgender four-star officer is a giant step forward towards equality as a nation. This is a proud moment for us at HHS,” department secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement.

Becerra went on to describe Levine as “a highly accomplished pediatrician who helps drive our agency’s agenda to boost health access and equity and to strengthen behavioral health” and “a cherished and critical partner in our work to build a healthier America.”

Wait, the aggressive Jew tranny is a children’s doctor?

Yikes. Did not know that.

Oh well.

I’m sure it’s fine.