Racism, Eh: Black Lives Matter Holding Massive Whining Rallies in Canada

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2016


The national character of Canada is – at least in the minds of Americans – defined by smugness.

They accuse us of being racist barbarians and so on.

For those who aren’t aware, Canada never used Negroid farm equipment like the US, the Caribbean and South America (presumably because Negroid are incapable of harvesting ice, which is the primary staple of the Canadian diet). Apparently, they imported this massive Negroid population to prove the point that they can make Black-inclusive multiculturalism work (similar to the way Germans saw Arab-inclusive multiculturalism fail miserably in France, but thought they could do it better).

Well, Canada – how’s that working out for you?

If you’re still smug, you won’t be for long.

Because once this starts, it doesn’t ever stop. You’re in for a helluva ride, eh.


Over 500 people marched through Canada’s capital on Saturday to protest the death of a mentally ill Somali-Canadian black man, who died during a confrontation with police.

Demonstrators marched through downtown Ottawa, making their way to police headquarters on Elgin Street in memory of Abdirahman Abda, 37, who died at the hands of police near his house following a disturbance call almost a week ago.

Protesters chanted: “Justice for Abdirahman” and “Black lives matter.” Others were heard saying: “They murdered him! Enough is enough!”Activists demanded more transparency in the investigation into Abdi’s death and also called for a separate analysis of how police treat minorities.

Arguably the most PC nation in the world – in competition with Sweden, no joke – Canada is being accused of racist abuse by cops (in Canada they are also known as “The Royal Moose-Mounted Weed Patrol”).

“We want to know what’s going on, and we want the officers to have some form of cameras on their person at all times so we know exactly how they’re dealing with situations like this,” CTV Ottawa quoted march organizer Chi-chi Ayalogu-Okonkwo as saying.

Just a side note here – if I was ever transformed into a Negro by a wizard’s curse, I would want my Negro name to be “Chi-chi Ayalogu-Okonkwo.”

Demonstrators also called for the two officers involved in the incident to be removed from duty. “We want them to be taken off and suspended until the investigation is completed,” said Wangui Kimari, another march organizer.

Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau told the media that both officers are still on the payroll. “One officer is on leave and the other officer is conducting investigative work right now,” Bordeleau said.

Abdi’s funeral was held on Friday attended by around 600 people, including Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and Ontario cabinet minister Bob Chiarelli.

Watson and Chiarelli called for patience, as the incident is still being investigated by Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit.

Abdi was reportedly beaten by Ottawa police while they were trying to arrest him, according to local media citing witnesses.


Beaten while trying to arrest him.

Meaning he was resisting arrest.

Meaning there is no narrative here even to begin with.

But what matters is how the Blacks feel about what happened, right?

Just wait until they start sniping cops, Canada.

Because they will.

Then we’ll see who’s smug.


Canadian Stormers may take heart, however. After Trump’s Coronation, we are going to annex Canada well before we invade Europe to remove kebab.