Racist Austrian Dogwalker Hospitalizes Somali Teenager for Being “Unclean”

Norbert Hofer.

Since giving the world Adolf Hitler in 1889, Austria has been at the vanguard of White Supremacy in Europe. In fact, had Austrian women not stepped in to save the 2016 election, the vicious neo-Nazi politician, Norbert Hofer, would be the country’s president right now.

But even Austrian women can become consumed by skin-hatred if they allow their genetics to get the best of them.

Take “Ingrid T,” for example. A native of Vienna, Ingrid despised “sand niggers” so much that she became a full-time dogwalker just to abuse their well-known fear of dogs.

Dogs are haram in Islam, and Ingrid took advantage of that fact.

By early 2017, Ingrid – who preferred aggressive breeds of dogs like pit bulls and rottweilers – had become so feared by local Moslems that none dared stand in her way.

Alas, it seems that Ingrid’s racism finally got the better of her. While walking two Cujo-esque hounds down a Moslem neighborhood in Vienna, the Holocaust-denying Austrian saw an “unclean” Somali cross her path – and snapped.


A veiled Somali asylum seeker had to be hospitalised in Vienna following a brutal beating in broad daylight by an Austrian citizen and her dogs.

The victim, named only as Ayaan S, described how she was talking with neighbours at the gate of her garden when she “saw a pretty, blonde woman approaching slowly” accompanied by two dogs — a large pit bull and an even larger rottweiler.

“I’m a little scared of dogs, so I started walking to the other side of the street to give them room,” the 18-year-old Somali said to reporters from her hospital bed in the Austrian capital.

The 54-year-old Austrian woman, named “Ingrid T,” asserted, “Somalis are unclean,” Ayaan recalled, stating that her attacker then “grabbed me, spun me around and ordered her dogs to maul me” until both women fell to the floor.

It took the efforts of three men to manage to pull the Austrian dog owner and her dogs away from the asylum seeker, who told reporters that the assault left her unable to feel her legs.

Staff at Wilhelminen Hospital had to operate twice on Ayaan who — her knee smashed in the attack — required an artificial knee to be surgically implanted.

Note: The report above has been lightly edited to conform to EU anti-hate laws.

The moral of this report cannot be clearer: Racism is wrong.

Yes, racism might be “funny” and “edgy” when it is confined to the darkest corners of the Internet, where cyber Nazis spend their days exchanging memetics and jifs of stereotypical frogs and badgers.

But in the real world, where words sting and ovens burn, racism has serious consequences for both its White perpetrators and non-White recipients. This is especially true for Ingrid T, who will probably spend the rest of her life in prison because she couldn’t control her Islamophobia.

So, the next time you’re about to take your racism to the streets, step back and ask yourself: How did that work out for Ingrid?

These women have the right idea.