I found this in the Daily Mail sidebar:
We love all of you, Lizzo.
I found this other bitch in the Daily Mail sidebar, and was like “there isn’t enough to love – this is like you go to the steak house and they serve some tiny Japanese steak.”
Plus, she has a face like a rat or a weasel. Or maybe like a groundhog or something.
The Daily Mail also included this picture of that bitch’s ass and I was just like “wat”?
Seriously – how is that a sidebar item? Lizzo is at least a novelty.
Lizzo also has the elegance and demure loveliness of a silverback.
The State of Our Democracy is strong.
Our values are strong.
Who we are is our values.
When we go to war with the Joe Russia false flag crisis actor podcast in the Spotify region of the Ukraine, remember that we are fighting for Lizzo and that ratface bitch with no ass.
It’s about a lot more than forcing people to take vaccines or turning children into trannies.
Our values are limitless like the universe.