Rand Paul Gets Suspended from YouTube, Defends Right of Private Companies to Do Anything to Anyone

After Rand Paul this week came out effectively calling for a Derp Revolution, he was given a suspension by YouTube for different comments he made earlier in the month about masks.

Responding to the ban, Paul said:

As a libertarian-leaning Senator, I think private companies have the right to ban me if they want to, but I think it is really anti-free speech, anti-progress of science, which involves skepticism and argumentation to arrive at the truth. We realize this in our court systems that both sides present facts on either side of a question and complete an adversarial process to reach the truth in each case.

YouTube and Google though, have become an entity so huge that they think they are the arbitrator of truth.

How can they be a private company and also a monopoly big enough to be the arbiter of truth?

How can a monopoly that contracts with the government and relies heavily on publicly-funded infrastructure to operate be a “private company”?

What difference does it even make? If your ideology requires you to lose on purpose, why would you not change your ideology?

Paul also said:

I will try to channel my anger, not in breaking these companies up but by publicly expressing my disagreement with them and publicly promoting other channels that offer free speech alternatives.

What alternatives?

Has he not heard of the Daily Stormer?

Any alternative exists only so long as the registrars allow it to exist. Unless you believe you’re going to survive on Tor, then you end up dealing with nations that are considered enemies of the United States just to be on the internet.

What’s more: I only saw these statements from Paul on Russia’s RT. The Western media does not appear to have even bothered to note what he said. So using the media as an outlet is also off the table – as evidenced by Trump’s situation (anyone who interviews him is banned from everything).

The only remaining option is to go out in the street and yell. Putting aside the fact that you will not reach millions of people there, as you would on the internet, you have established law that the Antifa are allowed to attack you for speaking in public, and if you defend yourself you will be federally indicted. Moreover, at this point, they can probably just arrest you for violating Virus Law.

There is no path to free speech outside of breaking the idiotic and pointless code of libertarian ideology.

Ideology is not philosophy, and it is not important. It is a boomer tool for simplifying things they find confusing, but the core of existence should not be about avoiding confusion.

We are made in the image of God!

We have the ability for rational thought!

We do not need to reduce systems to their component parts like dogs or rodents!

Seriously though: what do masks and mask law have to do with YouTube – if it is somehow not a de facto government entity?

Why do Republicans consistently support their own political disenfranchisement?

What’s going on?