Real Life: Down Syndrome Drag Queen Show Confirmed for Michigan

Daily Stormer
August 19, 2019

Wait. No.

Wrong picture.


Freak show.

Life Site:

A public art event in Grand Rapids, Michigan next month will feature men and women with Down syndrome performing as “drag queens” and “drag kings.”

A drag group known as “Drag Syndrome” is comprised of performers with Down syndrome, and is an LGBT activist’s attempt to promote so-called “inclusion.”  Their performances feature song and dance by men wearing women’s dresses, garish makeup, wigs, and in some cases fake breasts. Women sport beards and men’s clothing.

A local TV channel, Wood TV, reports that “some people may be concerned because people with Down syndrome have limited mental capacity that they might not have the ability to decide to take part or understand what they are taking part in.”

The organizers of the show, however, are defending the event.

“We sought them out because they are at the very highest level of disability drag,” said event organizer Jill Vyn of DisArt, a Grand Rapids organization that connects art and people with disabilities.

Drag has never only been about sexuality,” DisArt co-founder Christopher Smit said. “Drag is about gender performance, drag is about expression. Drag is also about ridding the culture of really damaging stereotypes.”

Viewers of the show, who know that those with Down syndrome did not conceive and put together this troupe on their own, will be left to wonder to what extent, if any, those with Down syndrome who are participating in this event are being exploited by activists to unsuspectingly push the LGBT agenda.

The show is scheduled to be performed at  September 7, at 7:00 PM.

What do they mean by “exploited”?

This is art.

There’s even magazines about how beautiful and artistic Down syndrome sufferers are.

This is the beauty that the human race has to offer to the universe.

Extraterrestrial forms of life will watch us from above and understand that this is the beauty of human diversity.

Black Down syndrome trannies is what the human race is all about.

You have to thank these brave fellow white persons for performing rituals creating art like this for all the universe to see.

Some people would think dressing up retarded people in drag and marching them around is sick, because the retarded people actually don’t even understand what they’re involved in.

However, those people don’t understand that all people are the same, because they’re fascists.

In actual fact, people with Down syndrome understand as much as everyone else, because they’re the same as everyone else. They’re just like you.

And a woman is just like a man, so what difference does it make if you dress up retarded people as women and have anal sex with them?

That’s the beauty of life and the beauty of diversity in action.