Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2019
Republicans in Oklahoma of all places are embracing the new GOP policy of “Maximum Nigger Overdrive.”
Remember that releasing niggers from prison is a key tenet of Charlie Kirkism AKA Jared Kushnerism AKA neo-Trumpism.
I don’t even really understand why they are doing this, other than simply because Jews like to punish the goyim using mobs of vicious, violent apes.
Democrats do it for the obvious reason of pandering to their nonwhite base. But Donald Trump’s embrace of “let them eat crack” is among his weirdest flip-flops.
By now, most Americans are familiar with California’s Prop 47 and how the downgrading of drug and theft crimes led to a rise in drugs and theft and has saddled San Francisco with a culture of homelessness and shoplifting. “Sure glad we live in a nice red area, far away from San Francisco values” is what many Americans living in the heartland think upon seeing the endless negative headlines on San Francisco. The problem is that, thanks to a perfidious Republican Party, those San Francisco values have permeated every state in the union, particularly Oklahoma.
The Koch-funded “conservative” organizations have convinced Oklahoma Republicans to embark on a one-sided mission of prison release rather than stemming the tide of growing crime. They have made them feel guilty about having the highest incarceration rate of any state. Yet rather than identifying case-by-case individuals for release, the state’s politicians successfully passed State Question 780, which downgraded drug and theft crimes across the board. They followed up with it last year by making those changes retroactive. This led to the single largest prison release in one day in our nation’s history, when 462 felons walked out the door on November 4.
“This marks an important milestone of Oklahomans wanting to focus the state’s efforts on helping those with nonviolent offenses achieve better outcomes in life,” said a beaming Gov. Kevin Stitt upon their release. “The historic commutation of individuals in Oklahoma’s prisons is only possible because our state agencies, elected officials, and partnering organizations put aside politics and worked together to move the needle.”
Yet there’s one thing elitist politicians overlook in the criminal justice discussion: crime and its impact on the rest of society. Everything for them is a zero-sum game of sympathy for the convicts. What they don’t realize is that, fundamentally, we are not locking up people for minor crimes, and even those locked up for so-called minor crimes are usually not incarcerated for that long – and it’s usually because they had a longer rap sheet of violent crime and violated their parole with theft, drugs, or driving offenses.
Moreover, as we’ve seen in San Francisco, when you decriminalize even low-level offenses, it leads to chaos for property owners, businesses, and public order. Indeed, other people exist in the world who have rights and a stake in public policy aside from criminals.
Gov. Kevin Stitt certainly moved the needle, all right, towards San Francisco. Drugs, theft, and homelessness, brought to you by jailbreak. Last week, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office announced a new task force to combat the growing burglary trend and placed the blame squarely on the new laws. “Since the threshold of certain crimes changed some felonies to misdemeanors back in 2017 we have seen a steady increase of thefts in Oklahoma County,” wrote the sheriff’s office in a Facebook post on November 13.
According to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations, larceny crimes increased in Oklahoma County, by far the most populous and urban county in the state, by more than 7 percent from 2017 to 2018. The statewide problems with retail theft continue to rise. Mark Meyers, spokesman for the sheriff’s office, observed that “it’s basically just a free for all right now through portions of Oklahoma County” and that they are finding inmates bragging about how they communicate with networks of thieves. “They understand the law and even take calculators with them to make sure they are stealing less than $1,000,” said Meyers.
Then, of course, homelessness comes along with the breakdown of public order and decriminalization of crimes. Jason Hicks, the president of the Oklahoma District Attorneys Association, warned that the homeless population is “exploding” in some cities precisely because the recent leniencies are enticing them to return. “The comments that they’re getting back is, ‘We’re moving into Oklahoma because we know that we’re not going to get into any trouble and we can do our drugs and do it all day long and there’s no consequences for that issue,’” Hicks said at a recent state House Judiciary Committee hearing.
Drugs, theft, homelessness … this is exactly what is happening in San Francisco. Good job, Republicans.
I guess that there is some specific type of corruption in Oklahoma which is why this is happening there first among the red states. But Trump has blessed this “release the hounds” agenda on the federal level with the First Step Act.
And this “decriminalization of crimes” agenda goes right along with that, and it will be enacted in states across the union in the coming years.
They are creating a state of chaos and fear for the goyim.