Republicans Pressing Amazon Over Censorship (*Jerk-Off Hand Motion*)

This is happening, but it is much too little, much too late.


Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have demanded that Amazon cough up files and communications related to its alleged “viewpoint discrimination” against the right-of-center, penning a formal request to CEO Jeff Bezos.

Sent by ranking Republicans on the judiciary panel’s antitrust subcommittee, Representatives Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Ken Buck (Colorado), the letter on Thursday night called on the e-retail giant to address lawmakers’ concerns about alleged censorship of conservative voices.

“Big Tech, including Amazon, is engaged in systematic viewpoint discrimination. In the unfortunate phenomenon of ‘cancel culture,’ Amazon plays a leading role in silencing and censoring the political speech of conservative Americans,” reads the letter, first obtained by Breitbart.

“In just the last several months, Amazon has enabled a pattern of curtailing, censoring and removing from its platforms content that espouses conservative viewpoints.”

The legislators pointed to several examples in which Amazon exerted “editorial control” over content that is “biased against conservatives,” giving the appearance of a “coordinated effort to cancel conservative speech” on its various platforms.

Among those cases were Amazon’s decision last June to bar advertising for a book by Wall Street Journal reporter Abigail Shrier, which warned that “transgender identification among teen girls has become a social contagion.” The lawmakers also cited a move earlier this year to cut conservative-friendly social media site Parler off Amazon’s cloud servers, as well as a documentary on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas that was inexplicably deleted off the site “without warning or notification to the film’s director.”

Jordan and Buck demanded that Amazon hand over “all documents and communications” related to the examples outlined in the letter, saying they expect the company to provide the material no later than the evening of March 25.

While both the Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerry Nadler (D-New York), as well as the antitrust subcommittee chair David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island), refused to sign the letter, they were nonetheless copied to the missive.

Democrats don’t even have to pretend to care about freedom anymore, but the Republicans are doing just that: pretending.

None of them are actually going to do anything. They are all on the payroll of big tech.

Remember when Tucker Carlson called out Jim Jordan for receiving money from Google? That was July 29 of last year – Jordan was acting like he was going to do something about Google, and Tucker was like “well, you took this money from them, why?”

Jordan just squirmed.

Jim Jordan talks the best game of anyone in Congress, and even he is bought and paid for.

So what these Republicans are doing is offering false opposition. They are pretending like they are standing up to big tech, because big tech is now that unpopular, that people pretend to stand up against it as a way to make the people think there is some kind of resistance.

There is no resistance.

Donald Trump was the single last line of potential resistance to anything, and he is now gone. The government is locked down and totally controlled, they are all complicit. You’re not getting any of your freedoms back.

At least not without things getting much worse first.