Republicucks Team Up with Feminists Against Tranny Freaks to Protect Wahmen (And Children)

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2020

Honestly, there are few worse and more annoying things you can sic on people you hate than a gaggle of angry feminists.

“Conservatism,” by which I mean “mainstream Republicanism,” has always been about whining about the crazy stuff liberals are doing now, while completely accepting all the crazy stuff liberals did just yesterday.

So these Republicans are totally fine with:

  • Feminism
  • Mass immigration from brown countries
  • Abolishing Christianity from all public places
  • Homos
  • Trannies everywhere
  • Abortion on demand
  • etc.

But apparently, they’re putting their foot down at children getting chemically (and surgically) castrated in the name of tranny acceptance. No, for realz, this time. They won’t just suddenly accept this in 2-3 years when the next, even crazier crap starts hitting the propaganda circuit.

They’re even bringing in the feminists to show their liberal credentials.

Washington Post:

She introduced herself to a room full of conservative lawmakers as a bisexual woman, a longtime political progressive and the leader of a radical feminist organization.

Listening to Natasha Chart through a Skype call were more than a dozen South Dakota state representatives, most of them Republican, considering a bill to criminalize medical treatments for transgender children.

“Doctors shouldn’t help kids take out their sadness and anger on the only bodies we can ever have,” she said in her testimony to South Dakota’s House State Affairs Committee on Jan. 22. “Please vote yes to forbid the sterilization of these young people.”

The Women’s Liberation Front is part of a long-running strain of feminism that rejects the existence of transgender identity. These fringe activists argue that advancements in transgender rights will come at the expense of women’s rights and threaten the safety and sanctity of women-only spaces. They say women are defined not by their gender identity, but by their biology and by having “survived girlhood.”

Mainstream progressives have long shunned the organization, calling it a discriminatory, right-wing group disguised as feminist. But the Women’s Liberation Front, also known as WoLF, has found an increasingly influential platform by teaming up with conservatives who disagree with their support of abortion rights and the “reproductive sovereignty” of women.



“Radical feminist.”

“A woman.”

Even hardcore communists would condemn this woman as a bourgeois degenerate.

Yet now supposedly conservative people are cozying up to women like this just to give themselves permission to condemn abject moral degeneracy.

The essence of feminism is about discrimination – discrimination against men to benefit women. If a feminist group isn’t discriminatory, then it isn’t really feminist.

How could women with a deep, seething hatred of men and a hardcore obsession for giving women as much status and power as possible tolerate the glaring loophole which is trannyism? After all, if the tranny lobby has its way, then any man will be able to claim all the privileges that feminists have worked hard to get for women just by pretending to “feel like a woman” deep inside.

Dressing up like a freak isn’t even necessary according to the “gender theorists.”

These two random powerlifters could probably get affirmative action jobs just by claiming to have “feminine souls” or whatever.

So any feminist who supports trannyism must necessarily be some kind of shill – or more likely, extremely stupid (i.e., a woman).

WoLF’s leaders have become frequent guests on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and at Heritage Foundation events. The group received a $15,000 grant from the Alliance Defending Freedom to help fund a legal fight against the Obama administration over transgender bathroom policies. It also filed an amicus brief in one of the most consequential Supreme Court cases of the year, arguing that sex-based discrimination protections in the workplace should not apply to transgender people.

Now, WoLF is even helping shape legislation in places like South Dakota, which last month became the first state to advance a wave of state bills nationwide banning medical interventions for transgender youth. Kara Dansky, a WoLF board member from the District, plans to travel to South Dakota on Monday to testify in favor of the bill in a Senate committee hearing.

Emboldened by the Trump administration and a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, Republican politicians across the country have made transgender issues, particularly those affecting transgender children, a key target for 2020. And Chart and other radical feminists are helping to bolster their message, creating the perception of bipartisan support in a polarizing social debate.

Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Even if they block tranny surgeries for kids now, they’ll probably fold in a few years under the unrelenting pressure of the Jewish media and the new wave of brainwashed college kids.

I mean, society is basically getting sold “anime trannyism” these days in order to erode all opposition.

Trannies in anime.

Trannies in real life (note: this is also in an anime).

In other words, they’re doing the same thing they did with the homos.

Homos were portrayed as these saintly, innocent young men who are very clean and have a killer fashion sense. The whole “inserting each other’s penises in each other’s buttholes” was fully glossed over.

Basically, all proponents of trannyism gloss over the central fact of all this nonsense, which is that the whole tranny movement is about men cutting off their own penises and turning themselves into disgusting, sterile freaks.

What all parents wish for their children.

How long will these Republicans hold out?

I don’t know. But I do know it won’t be long enough to outlive all the degenerates who will keep pushing for trannyism.

So I hope your grandchildren will be prepared for state-enforced-trannyism.