Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2015

Long Island’s sleepy hamlet of Yaphank in Suffolk County is stuck in the dark time capsule of the 1930s when the German American Bund bought 50 lots and passed a bylaw effectively banning non-Nazis from moving in, which means it has not become vibrant.
As the decades passed, the community built on hate has been excluded from the massive economic benefits and cultural enrichment that can only come from sharing space with blacks, Jews, Hispanics and Moslems. This cultural and racial exclusivity cannot be tolerated in this enlightened day and age where racism is a thing of the past and Whites are a terrible race responsible for everything that goes wrong in the world, including blacks getting the wrong orders from McDonald’s.

Today, the laws not having changed, the evil still stains the neighbourhood, which lacks the vibrancy of black youths loitering on street corners, and the social justice of flash mobs. But that is about to change with a long overdue lawsuit that will put graffiti on the walls where it belongs, and non-Whites on the streets where they deserve to be, News.com reports.
Yaphank was once home to one of a number of Nazi summer camps across the US. Camp Siegfried drew Nazi sympathisers and taught Nazi ideology. It was owned by an organisation known as the German American Bund, which would later become the German American Settlement League.
The organisation made it plainly clear whose side they were on. On buildings they engraved the swastika and in broad daylight they espoused the teachings of an anti-Semitic dictator half a world away.
In 1937, the community purchased 50 lots and established a bylaw that current residents say violates federal housing laws.
The group’s president, Robert Kessler, told The New York Times this week the lawsuit against his community is based on a “misunderstanding”.
“People in other parts of town look at us and think this is closed to non-Germans,” he said. “That’s just not true.”
Mr Kneer and Mrs Flynn-Kneer have lived happily in Yaphank since 1999. They were allowed to move in after the league met with Mrs Flynn-Kneer’s German mother. The interview, according to the Times, was conducted partly in German.
“They were very impressed that she was from Berlin,” she said.
It was only in 2006 when they tried to sell their home that they realised something was very, very wrong.
The pair say they were barred from advertising the home and instead required to use the leagues’ internal bulletin. The bulletin would be distributed to only families of German descent. The house did not sell for almost 10 years.
“We kept getting told: ‘It will sell. The summer is coming,’ ” Mr. Kneer said. “But they wouldn’t change the bylaws. They want to keep everything just the way it was.”
The couple’s lawyer Andrew Wilson said discrimination is not outwardly obvious in Yaphank but it’s still ingrained in the all-white community.
“You still have the discriminatory effects because of the rules in place, and nobody has done anything to change them,” he said.
Just imagine what Europe would be like if it copied Yaphank and excluded healthy young men fleeing the horror of countries without free stuff to reclaim Europe for Islam! Imagine how the economy would suffer if there were no ISIS veterans sneaking into Germany or England to fix the economy with their advanced skills. Meditate on how old people would be left without pensions if Africans had not forced their way across the Mediterranean to pay their pensions by living on welfare that all foreigners are rightfully entitled to.
And that is the problem with White people: they know how to create a thriving civilization, but without the guidance of Jews they would not know how to effectively destroy it.