5G is now in the category of vaccines and transsexualism, where if you ask any questions about it at all, you are a science denier.
However, like with vaccines and trannies, there are a lot of serious people raising serious concerns about 5G.
Massive rollout of mid-band 5G systems might pose an aircraft safety risk by interfering with navigation equipment and causing flight diversions, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned in a series of directives.
The FAA particularly raised concerns about 5G potentially interfering with radio altimeters – sensitive aircraft electronics used by pilots to safely land in poor visibility conditions. Altimeters tell how high an aircraft is above the ground when a pilot cannot see it.
Now, the US aviation watchdog said that planes and helicopters would not be able to use many guided and automatic landing systems at airports with potentially high 5G interference since these systems are likely to be unreliable in these conditions.
Earlier, companies AT&T and Verizon Communications agreed to postpone the commercial launch of their C-band 5G wireless services until January 5 amid the FAA’s concerns. Now, the US agency believes that the “unsafe condition” posed by the upcoming use of 5G networks requires immediate action before that date.
“Radio altimeter anomalies” could lead to “loss of continued safe flight and landing” if they remain undetected by pilots or an aircraft’s automated systems, the FAA said. Landing during low visibility periods could be “limited” due to 5G concerns, an FAA spokesman told The Verge. One of the FAA directives also said that “these limitations could prevent dispatch of flights to certain locations with low visibility, and could also result in flight diversions.”
The agency also said that its two directives issued on Tuesday, which also include revised safety guidelines, were particularly aimed at gathering “more information to avoid potential effects on aviation safety equipment.”
The agency still believes that “expansion of 5G and aviation will safely co-exist.” It is also in talks with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the White House, and industry representatives to work out the details of limitations that are to be outlined in the coming weeks.
The FCC said it looks forward to “updated guidance from the FAA.” The aviation watchdog said that specific notices could be issued for areas “where the data from a radio altimeter may be unreliable” due to 5G signals.
That is not even the half of it. Or the eighth of it.
If it’s powerful enough radiation to crash planes, what is it going to do to your organs? What is it going to do to your brain, which is a system of electrical impulses?
You can get into all kinds of stuff about the threats that this technology poses, and the most amazing part – and the part that makes it so clear that it is devious – is that I’ve never heard of anyone asking for this technology.
Yet, we’re being told that we all MUST have it, everywhere, and that we’re not allowed to ask questions about it or we will be called names, banned from the internet, and possibly prosecuted for a hate crime.
Facebook, YouTube, etc. are literally mass-censoring any and all criticism of 5G.
Why would they do that? Think about it.
They are also planning to build a satanic smart grid where everything – including your body – has an IP address and is linked into a computer network, where the movement of every physical object is tracked in real time by AI.
The fact that they are going to start installing these 5G arrays in every city is yet another obvious reason to GET OUT OF THE CITY.