Roger Ailes is Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2017

May he Rest in Peace.

Well this is suspicious.

I’m just going to say that now.

I’m not going to put on a tinfoil hat, as I don’t have any tinfoil in my apartment. If I did, I might make one and put it on.

Washington Post:

Roger Ailes, who mastered the art of selling political candidates like Hollywood celebrities and was the architect of conservative-oriented TV news, died Thursday at 77. He was the longtime chairman and chief executive of the Fox News Channel, building it over two decades into a politically influential juggernaut until his abrupt ouster last year amid sexual harassment allegations.

His family confirmed the death in a statement. No cause or location was reported.

At Fox News, Mr. Ailes presided over a cable outlet that combined television news from a conservative perspective with the rabble-rousing rhetoric of right-wing talk radio to produce a singularly influential media machine. He was a skilled showman, a savvy political operator and a proudly plebeian counterpoint to the East Coast elite that he believed dominated the news business.

To Democrats and liberals, he was a manipulator of the news, a puppet master who used his network to turn minor stories into blazing scandals, ostensibly in service of his personal politics.

He did do that.

But the only reason this was necessary was because it was the exact method of the left.

Like when Hitler realized he had to bomb civilians in London because the British were bombing civilians in Berlin.

It took Hitler three months of getting his people killed in night bombings to realize he had no choice but to respond in kind, as much as it pained him to do so.

You have to use your enemies methods, or you lose the war.

Conservatives and right-wingers have for much, much too long tried to rely exclusively on intellectual arguments. And that is why they have lost, non-stop, since the Jews came into power in the sixties.

That is why the Daily Stormer combines Buzzfeed and Alinskyism.

And it is why Roger Ailes created scandal-mongering infotainment.

Roger Ailes was a genius.

To Republicans and conservatives, he was an essential counterweight, a tough but fair partisan, a middle American from a blue-collar background who gleefully and effectively poked holes in the left-leaning biases of the news media establishment.

His father was a factory maintenance man from Warren, Ohio.

He was the archetype of the self-made man.

The titles of biographies about him — four were published within seven years at a peak in Fox’s popularity during the Obama administration — demonstrated the wrath and resentment he could engender: He was a “Dark Genius,” “The Loudest Voice in the Room,” ruler of a “propaganda machine.”

None of which are negative.

Mr. Ailes eschewed political labels and preferred to portray himself as a craftsman of the airwaves, more concerned about how to frame a shot or drive a story than about the fate of individual candidates or policies. He told a biographer that his dream for America was that it be allowed to return to its best self, which he put in the Midwest in about 1955.

It is a fair dream.

If I thought it was possible, I would push for it too.

However, it isn’t possible. And never was. By the nature of 1950s prosperity, it could only lead to decadence and depravity – or towards something much bigger.

It couldn’t remain static.

The options for the baby boomer generation were:

  1. Space empire
  2. Hippie love revolution, feminism, faggotry, masturbation, immigration, consumerism

The Jews made that decision for us.

We’re not going back.

We have but one way we can go, and that is forward.

We don’t have any choice.

As founding chief executive of Fox News in 1996, Mr. Ailes defined the channel in opposition to the traditional journalism of CNN and the liberal bent of MSNBC, and he brought Fox from a distant third to clear dominance, riding to the top along the wave of public dismay that arose over President Bill Clinton’s affair with a White House intern.

Mr. Ailes’s reign at Fox ended abruptly in 2016, in the middle of the presidential campaign, after an on-air host at Fox News, Gretchen Carlson, alleged that Mr. Ailes had sabotaged her career when she refused to have sex with him. Following Carlson’s accusations, 25 other women, including Fox’s most prominent female anchor, Megyn Kelly, came forward to say that Ailes had sexually harassed them over his five decades in the TV business.

They fired him within a week after that bimbo Megyn [sic] said he gave her a “weird hug.” Carlson’s claims were widely believed to be a hoax, but when Megyn [sic] started in – well, something had to be done.

This isn’t photoshopped. 46-year-old Kelly has been going full-Miley in public. Can you even begin to imagine the level of no-self awareness one has to have to be 46-years-old and go out in public trying to look like Miley Cyrus? 

It was at an “obvious” level over 9000 that he was being fired for political reasons because he was too pro-Trump and he was trying to get Kelly and O’Reilly to hold back on their anti-Trump nonsense, which they were filling the evening lineup with (Hannity being the only evening paddy with a pro-Trump show, but also in third place).

Now of course there is a more pro-Trump line-up because he’s already president and it doesn’t really matter that much. But they’ve still got GRIDS Shep, Jew Wallace and a bunch of other daytime figures attacking Trump.

Fox’s parent company quickly pushed Mr. Ailes to resign his positions, though he said the allegations — which ranged from kissing women against their will to telling women that they had to provide him with sexual favors if they wanted their careers to flourish — were false. Mr. Ailes’ bosses, Lachlan and James Murdoch, the sons of Fox’s longtime owner, Rupert Murdoch, announced the resignation in a statement that emphasized the company’s “commitment to maintaining a work environment based on trust and respect.”

There was never any proof of anything.


And Murdoch is and always has been a liberal.

“Sexual harassment” as a concept is a hoax on par with the Holocaust.

Fox paid Carlson $20 million to settle her harassment claim against Mr. Ailes. Within weeks, Ohio University removed Mr. Ailes’s name from the newsroom it had named after one of its most famous alumni; the university also returned to Mr. Ailes a $500,000 gift he had made to his alma mater.

Yeah, his entire legacy flushed down the toilet over hoaxed claims of “weird hugs.”

Erase him from history like they did to James Watson and Hulk Hogan.

Less than a month after he left Fox, Mr. Ailes reemerged as leader of the prep camp where businessman and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump prepared for his TV debates against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.

Like Richard M. Nixon, the first presidential candidate Mr. Ailes ever worked with, he seemed driven as much by social and class resentments as by ideology or a lust for power.

That’s a weird sentence to inject here, WaPo.

Don’t think no one notices these.

In fact, I think your own supporters notice these a lot more than you’re aware.

He was an employee of Rupert Murdoch, the worldwide media tycoon, but wielded power on his own, too, regularly being courted by Republican presidential candidates.

“At Fox, Ailes has ushered in the era of post-truth politics,” concluded David Brock, a conservative-turned-liberal activist who wrote a book on Mr. Ailes, “The Fox Effect.” “The facts no longer matter, only what is politically expedient, sensationalistic, and designed to confirm the preexisting opinions of a large audience.

And WaPo – AKA “sources who asked to remain anonymous” central – has the nerve to post that quote.


Fox gave intensive coverage to stories that later collapsed under closer inspection: The idea that Barack Obama, the first black U.S. president, was born outside the United States; or that Obama’s health reform initiative would impose death panels to determine which Americans might be refused medical care; or that human behavior played no role in global climate change. Many Democrats dismissed Mr. Ailes’s network as a partisan agitator.

Yeah, except:

  1. Obama isn’t “black,” he’s a mulatto
  2. He was born in Kenya, even his brother Malik admits this
  3. Death panels were just a meme liberals were too stupid to get
  4. There is no evidence for manmade global warming

Fox News did lie about a lot of stuff, but none of those things were among them.

They were the things you, WaPo, agreed on – like Saddam getting ready to nuke America, of Osama bin Laden doing 911.

“Fox News often operates as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party,” Anita Dunn, communications director in the Obama White House, told CNN in 2009.


And what does CNN do for the Democrat party?

I forget?

Critics and admirers alike agreed that Fox was a mirror of Mr. Ailes’s ideas about content and presentation. “Roger Ailes is not on the air, Roger Ailes does not ever show up on camera, and yet everybody who does is a reflection of him,” radio talk host Rush Limbaugh, whose TV show Mr. Ailes produced in the early 1990s, once said.

Mr. Ailes, derided on the left as a Republican kingmaker, was actually more of “an entertainer,” New Yorker writer and Harvard historian Jill Lepore wrote. “He’s also a bogeyman,” an easy target for those who want to believe that the conservative movement was manipulated from above rather than a naturally occurring political phenomenon.


Sounds like someone else I’ve heard of…

Several academic studies of Fox’s content concluded that the network, as the Project for Excellence in Journalism put it in 2006, “was measurably more one-sided than the other networks, and Fox journalists were more opinionated on the air.” But a study in 2007 by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a media watchdog nonprofit that calls itself nonpartisan, but which some liberal groups consider conservative in orientation, found that Fox News’s statements about Republican and Democratic presidential candidates were almost exactly evenly divided between positive and negative.

Nevertheless, Mr. Ailes and his approach to broadcasting provoked a long-standing and deep rift within the Murdoch clan over the politics and direction of Fox.

In 2010, Murdoch’s then-son-in-law, Matthew Freud, a London public relations executive who did not work for the family media empire, denounced Mr. Ailes’s leadership of Fox News, saying that “I am by no means alone within the family or the company in being ashamed and sickened by Roger Ailes’s horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corporation, its founder and every other global media business aspires to.” But Murdoch stood by his man, giving him larger responsibilities and free rein to shape the hugely successful network.

Yes, Matthew Freud is the great grandson of Sigmund Freud.

And Murdoch only “stood by his man” because he was a money tree.

Murdoch himself isn’t Jewish – he’s the only major Western media figure that isn’t – so he was willing to allow Ailes to do his thing as long as he pushed some of the Jew agenda, such as everything Israel wanted.

I’m Not Saying This is Suspicious

I said at the beginning of the article that it’s suspicious. It probably isn’t really. He was 77 and obese, and he had just had his life’s work stolen from him.

Lot of reasons to die.

However, he was helping Trump and he was a media propaganda genius (pretty much objectively the greatest who ever lived, although mass media hasn’t been around that long), and so when he dies all of the sudden, right as Trump is under full-on assault and in need of propaganda advice, there are obviously going to be questions.

Personal Words on Roger Ailes

As a media figure myself, I just want to give some personal words on Ailes after his passing.

Certainly, I didn’t agree with everything he pushed on his network. I agreed with some of it. More of it than any other TV network.

But that isn’t the point.

The point is, that he was a genius, who created an entire new way of shaping public opinion, which ultimately, all media was forced to follow.

Although the concept of isolating issues and blowing them out of proportion through obsessive coverage was used by the liberal media – both in print and on TV, Ailes took that and transformed it into something much more effective. He pioneered a new media weapon that had to be adopted by the other side if they wished to survive.

The modern TV news show, regardless of the network, is entirely based on the Ailes model of “literally the apocalypse” full-amplification. The liberals have been less successful at this because their ideas are less powerful, and thus when fully-amplified, they tend to come across as deranged and insane, rather than simply sensational.

Ailes also created the idea of making news entertaining – which is obviously connected to the sensationalism and maximization of tension. He created the infobabe. He created the concept of a newscaster being and second-rate late night talkshow host.

He tried all types of different things, found what worked best, and created a model that beat everyone else’s and probably always will as far as 24 hour cable news is concerned (though that medium is going to die in the not too distant future).

So, he was a great man, and to me, an inspiration. I have spent a lot of time reading about him and the way he worked, and a lot of time studying his product, as I attempt to build my own media empire.

Regardless of the fact that Fox News has probably, in the long run, done more harm than good. Someone can be a “great man” and a “genius” and be respected for that without him having to be a person you think is good. You can be inspired by the greatness of a man who you believe had a negative effect on your society. I feel this same way about Pablo Escobar and many other villains of history.

So, here’s Roger Ailes.

May he rest in peace.