Romania and Bulgaria Scheduled to Enter Shengen

Daily Stormer
March 12, 2015

These gypsies won't even need an ID card to go to Berlin and Paris.
These gypsies won’t even need an ID card to go to Berlin and Paris.

Got an enrichment torpedo headed straight for your base, goyim.

This isn’t just gypsies coming through, it’s also a bunch of Moslems.


The European Union is set to allow travel Bulgaria and Romania join the Schengen area, so there are no passport controls between the countries and the rest of the EU.

The move will mean that illegal immigrants who cross the border from countries like Turkey would be unchallenged until they get to the English Channel.

Schengen has already been blamed for the huge numbers of illegal immigrants camped in Calais, attempting to get to Britain. They do not have a legal right to enter France, but they are able to get from illegal ferries landing in Italy to the UK border because there are no passport checks anymore.

This is ultimately good though, as it will make a clear line of travel out of Greece.

Currently, Greece is isolated from the rest of Shengen by Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria.
Currently, Greece is isolated from the rest of Shengen by Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria.

If the masses of monsters who presently squat in Athens were to be squatting in Berlin and Brussels instead, we might see immigration dealt with slightly differently.

Both countries were scheduled to enter the zone by this month, though there seem to be a few obstacles.  Anyway, it won’t be long.