Russia Demands 1 Million Illegal Immigrants Leave the Country in the Next Month

This is smart.


Russian Deputy Interior Minister Alexander Gorovoy asked the leadership of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to work with their residents who are illegally residing in Russia.

“There are many of your citizens who are currently on the territory of my country illegally. And if we do not reduce this number by June 15, as the presidential decree implies, these people will be punished, up to the expulsion and closure of borders,” Gorovoy said at a plenary session of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.

More than 1 million illegal immigrants from CIS countries currently live in Russia, according to Gorovoy.

A moratorium on the expulsion of illegal immigrants, introduced in Russia because of the pandemic, is effective until June 15.

It’s not going to be enough, however.

Russia has native Moslems. They will start blowing up trains if Russia goes to war.

But sure, if they can round up a million Moslems and ship them out before things get hot, they’ll have many fewer bombings.

Presumably, the Putin Government has been working with Chechen and Dagistani authorities to prevent the CIA from openly running terrorism camps in these areas, but the same can’t be true about the rest of the ‘stans, where not just the CIA but also the Turks are likely running terrorist training centers.